When I began my journey I was but a fledgling squire from Alara and after many an epic battles. I became a knight with modest renown, thinking myself invulnerable I set off on a quest with the rest of my knightly brothers/sisters. We battled great beasts and dragons a plenty, continuing onward toward our destined mission. Upon arriving at the deepest ravine in all of Alara, my company along with the planeswalkers Elspeth and the newcomer Gideon prepared ourselves for our final challenge. The ground began to shake, the skies darken and all eyes gather at the base of the ravine. Alara's Hydra of Legend Progenitus stands before us, and roars a mightly. Bracing ourselves for the order to charge the beast, each knight readied their swords and hefted their sheilds. Seconds felt like an eternity, the quiet despiration was palpable. Elspeth orders a charge, Gideon immediately charges to the front of the formation and at a considerable lead. Two of the great serpents heads tracks the young planeswalker, with the rest seemingly transfixed on the blinding light emanting from Elspeth herself. Legions of Angels descend from the skies above, to lend their aid to our baddly outmatched company. The battle that ensued would be decided in mere moments, but its impact was severe and had a very profound impact on all mortal lives in all of Alara myself included. Among the the ruined battlefield of the plane stood the field of corpses which adorned the landscape in the most grusome of spectales. Many knights and angels who once stood proudly beside the planeswalkers were but lifeless corpses which surrounded the felled monster. Its severed heads sprawled all along the ravine of death. Amid all this devestation, surrounded in the bodies of fallen heros and in the shadow of death itself. My spark was released, reveling my true destiny as a planeswalker. While my origin as a mortal was on the golden plains of Bent on Alara. My new life as a Planeswalker would be atop the highest peek of an ancient plane of Dominaria. It is there that I shed off the last vestigates of my former life, abandoning the limiting constraints which had previously blinded me and once guided mylife previously. I would spend the next century in this new plane in contemplation and deliberation on what life had instored for me. After witnessing first hand how mere mortals were hopelessly outmatched in the presence of overwhelming power. As a new planeswalker, I would be determined to never allow myself to feel helpless ever again. When I atlast was able to break free from all of my previous fears and doubt which plagued me after surviving the Progenitus. I walked back into the multiverse not as a knight of bant, guided solely by the light of white mana. But as a new being which could take upon any mana source which to derive strength from as a means to fell my foes and a means to better understand the multiple complexities of magic itself!

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