Well, there isn't a whole hell of alot to say. This isn't exactly facebook or anything so i'm not gonna waste my time writing a whole bunch of useless information about myself that no one is interested in. I got on here for the same reason the rest of you did. Because We love MTG. Now I'm nothing but a newb really. I haven't done very much extensive research into the universe or the cards. I've sat and poured over enough to know how to make a deck or two, but thats all theoretical since I have very little money and barely any cards of my own. All the cards I actually own (so far) can be found in "My First Shitty Deck"

I had an interesting start to the game. I was at a garage sale and happened to look down into a box to see a deck of Magic the Gathering cards sitting there. I thought the game was going to be to complicated for me to ever pick up before that. This was about when I was 15 or so, and I bought the deck for a nickle. I didn't understand how to play the game and no one was around to teach me. My friends being to busy playing pokemon or yu-gi-oh TCG which I was a big fan of. But eventually some of my friends picked it up not to long ago. And they taught me how to play. Some of them even kind enough to give me some cards. And now here I am obsessing over it.

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MTG Decks

Beast Kingdom

Legacy Wood_E


Heavy Metal

Legacy Wood_E


Concept Esper Deck

Vintage Wood_E


My Shitty First Deck

Legacy Wood_E

SCORE: 2 | 439 VIEWS

Finished Decks 5
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 1.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 13 years