MTG List: Ramos Spells


Ramp (28)

Colours (24)

Draw (17)

Instant ramp (9)

Combo (7)

Flash (6)

Control (6)

Recursion (5)

New (3)

Untap (2)

Ritual (1)

Misc (26)

Removal (27)

Creature (14)

Boardwipe (9)

Counter (8)

Tutor (7)

Protection (6)

Copy (4)

Combo2 (2)

Other (1)

Land (1)


I like the deck that moustache man played on IHYD. Ramos that's a little controlly, not as much combo, and not +1+1 counter based. And a big focus on being instant-speed

So play ramos, wait, respond at end step to put counters on him etc.

If I can I should look for that deck.

• Deck is to be instant focussed • deck is to have big splashy coloured spells • deck is to have flash • card draw and ramp and protection • only combo is the conflux one? • cons: this is 5c, i have enough 5c decks

I am mainly aiming for instants that let me control the game and keep card advantage and ramp and then win through smacking with ramos, unbeatable advatantage, and occasionally conflux combo