MTG List: Korvold Gluttony


Other (51)

Sacrifice (15)

Self sacrifice (13)

Sacrifice trigger (10)

Land (4)

Misc (4)

Stealing (3)

Removal (2)

Beater (1)

Boardwipe (1)

Dies trigger (1)

Self recurring (1)

New (32)

Dragon (19)

Fodder (15)

Recursion (12)

Ramp (10)

Card advantage (6)

Battle (5)

Combat triggers (2)

Combo (2)

Tutor (2)

Protection (1)

Undying (1)


Really lean into the jank of saccing all the different card types win through smacking face and some death triggers

not looking for long winded loops of sacrificing small things over and over to accrue value. That was the problem with OG krovold that made him unfun to play and to play against. Instead looking for bigger, impactful sacrifices that get korvold out or serve as the cost for some effect.

Big beater dragons as plan b finishers.