MTG List: collection 3/22
Creature (559)
- 2x Bloodhusk Ritualist
Bloodline Keeper
- 2x Bloodline Necromancer
- 2x Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
- 5x Bloodlust Inciter
- 6x Bloodmad Vampire
- 4x Bloodrage Brawler
- 2x Bloodrage Vampire
- 1x Bloodrite Invoker
- 1x Bloodshot Trainee
- 3x Bloodsoaked Champion
- 1x Bloodspore Thrinax
- 1x Bloodstoke Howler
- 1x Bloodsworn Steward
- 2x Bloodthrone Vampire
- 4x Bloodwater Entity
- 17x Blossom Dryad
- 2x Body Double
- 2x Bog Imp
- 1x Bog Raiders
- 1x Bog Rats
- 1x Bog-Strider Ash
- 2x Bog Wraith
- 2x Bogardan Hellkite
- 2x Bogardan Lancer
- 3x Bogbrew Witch
- 4x Boggart Brute
- 1x Boggart Forager
- 1x Boggart Ram-Gang
- 1x Bold Impaler
- 1x Boltwing Marauder
- 13x Bomat Courier
- 3x Bomber Corps
- 3x Bonded Construct
- 10x Bonded Horncrest
- 8x Bone Picker
- 5x Bone Shaman
- 2x Bone Shredder
- 1x Bonebreaker Giant
- 1x Bonesplitter Sliver
- 1x Bonethorn Valesk
- 1x Boneyard Scourge
- 1x Boneyard Wurm
- 4x Bontu the Glorified
- 1x Boon Satyr
- 2x Boonweaver Giant
- 1x Borderland Behemoth
- 19x Borderland Marauder
- 2x Borderland Minotaur
- 6x Boros Battleshaper
- 1x Boros Elite
- 1x Boros Mastiff
- 1x Bosh, Iron Golem
- 2x Bottle Gnomes
- 1x Bounding Krasis
- 1x Braids, Conjurer Adept
- 2x Brain Maggot
- 6x Brain Weevil
- 1x Bramble Elemental
- 1x Bramblesnap
- 4x Brambleweft Behemoth
- 1x Bramblewood Paragon
- 1x Branded Brawlers
- 3x Brassclaw Orcs
- 2x Brawn
- 10x Brazen Buccaneers
- 8x Brazen Freebooter
- 2x Brazen Scourge
- 4x Brazen Wolves
- 1x Breaching Leviathan
- 1x Breaker of Armies
- 3x Breakneck Rider Flip
- 1x Breathstealer
- 1x Breya, Etherium Shaper
- 3x Briarbridge Patrol
- 2x Briarhorn
- 2x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
- 2x Brindle Boar
- 2x Brindle Shoat
- 5x Brine Elemental
- 1x Bringer of the White Dawn
- 1x Brion Stoutarm *oversized*
- 4x Bristling Hydra
- 6x Bronze Sable
- 3x Bronzebeak Moa
- 2x Brood Butcher
- 6x Brood Keeper
- 4x Brood Monitor
- 1x Broodbirth Viper
- 3x Broodhatch Nantuko
- 3x Broodhunter Wurm
- 1x Brooding Saurian
- 3x Broodmate Dragon
- 4x Brothers of Fire
Bruna, the Fading Light
Flip Meld
- 1x Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder *f-etch*
- 1x Brushstrider
- 4x Brutal Hordechief
- 4x Brutalizer Exarch
- 1x Bull Elephant
- 5x Burning-Fist Minotaur
- 1x Burning Shield Askari
- 6x Burning Sun's Avatar
- 6x Burning-Tree Emissary
- 7x Burnished Hart
- 3x Burrenton Forge-Tender
- 6x Butcher of Malakir
- 4x Bygone Bishop
- 7x Byway Courier
- 1x Cabal Executioner
- 1x Cabal Inquisitor
- 1x Cackling Fiend
- 1x Cackling Imp
- 1x Cackling Witch
- 3x Cacophodon
- 4x Cadaver Imp
- 1x Calciderm
- 1x Caller of Gales
- 1x Caller of the Claw
- 1x Caller of the Pack
- 1x Calming Licid
- 9x Canal Monitor
- 2x Canopy Gorger
- 1x Canopy Spider
- 5x Canyon Lurkers
- 3x Canyon Minotaur
- 7x Canyon Wildcat
- 1x Capashen Unicorn
- 1x Capricious Efreet
- 2x Captain Lannery Storm
- 4x Captain of the Watch
- 4x Captain Sisay
- 2x Captivating Crew
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Caravan Escort
- 3x Carnage Gladiator
- 1x Carnage Tyrant
- 1x Carnifex Demon
- 1x Carnival Hellsteed
- 6x Carnivorous Moss-Beast
- 4x Carrier Thrall
- 2x Carrion Ants
- 6x Carrion Crow
- 6x Carrion Feeder
- 1x Carrion Rats
- 9x Carrion Screecher
- 2x Carven Caryatid
- 3x Cataclysmic Gearhulk
- 5x Catacomb Sifter
- 2x Catacomb Slug
- 2x Catapult Master
- 1x Caterwauling Boggart
- 6x Cathar's Companion
- 2x Cathedral Membrane
- 1x Cathodion
- 5x Caustic Caterpillar
- 5x Caustic Hound
- 1x Cavalry Master
- 1x Cavalry Pegasus
- 2x Celestial Ancient
- 1x Celestial Archon
- 1x Celestial Crusader
- 2x Centaur Chieftain
- 8x Centaur Courser
- 5x Centaur Healer
- 1x Centaur Vinecrasher
- 2x Centaur's Herald
- 2x Cephalid Broker
- 7x Cephalid Sage
- 6x Chained Throatseeker
- 1x Chainflinger
- 1x Chameleon Colossus
- 6x Champion of Arashin
- 2x Champion of Dusk
- 1x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Champion of Rhonas
- 1x Champion of Stray Souls
- 4x Champion of the Parish
- 6x Champion of Wits
- 1x Chancellor of the Annex
- 1x Chancellor of the Dross
- 1x Chancellor of the Forge
- 1x Chancellor of the Spires
- 2x Chancellor of the Tangle
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
- 2x Chandra's Phoenix
- 1x Chandra's Spitfire
- 1x Changeling Hero
- 2x Channeler Initiate
- 2x Chaos Imps
- 1x Chaos Maw
Planeswalker (8)
Instant (303)
- 10x Blossoming Defense
- 2x Blue Elemental Blast
- 4x Blue Sun's Zenith
- 8x Blur of Blades
- 1x Blustersquall
- 11x Bombard
- 4x Bone to Ash
- 5x Boomerang
Boros Charm
- 1x Borrowed Grace
- 5x Borrowed Hostility
- 4x Borrowed Malevolence
- 2x Boulderfall
- 13x Brainstorm
- 1x Brand
- 1x Brave the Elements
- 1x Breach
- 3x Break of Day
- 4x Bright Reprisal
- 2x Brimstone Volley
- 2x Bring Low
- 1x Broken Ambitions
- 2x Broken Concentration
- 14x Brute Strength
- 10x Buccaneer's Bravado
- 10x Built to Last
- 8x Built to Smash
- 1x Burden of Greed
- 2x Burn Away
- 2x Burning Oil
- 6x Burst Lightning
- 1x Burst of Strength
- 7x Butcher's Glee
- 2x Cabal Ritual
- 5x Cackling Counterpart
- 6x Calculated Dismissal
- 34x Cancel
- 1x Cankerous Thirst
- 5x Capsize
- 5x Carbonize
- 2x Carrion Call
- 5x Catalog
- 1x Cauldron Dance
- 10x Celestial Flare
- 4x Celestial Purge
- 9x Censor
- 5x Center Soul
- 9x Ceremonious Rejection
- 2x Chain of Vapor
- 9x Chandra's Defeat
- 3x Chandra's Fury
- 19x Chandra's Outrage
- 8x Chandra's Pyrohelix
- 1x Change of Heart
- 2x Channel Harm
- 2x Chaos Warp
Sorcery (165)
- 2x Boggart Birth Rite
- 4x Boiling Earth
- 2x Bolt of Keranos
- 9x Bone Splinters
- 2x Boneyard Parley
- 2x Bonfire of the Damned
- 4x Bontu's Last Reckoning
- 17x Borrowing 100,000 Arrows
- 4x Boulder Salvo
- 1x Boundless Realms
- 5x Bountiful Harvest
- 2x Bramblecrush
- 2x Brass's Bounty
- 1x Breaking / Entering
- 1x Breaking Point
- 1x Breakthrough
- 1x Breath of Darigaaz
- 2x Breath of Life
- 1x Bribery
- 1x Brilliant Plan
- 2x Browbeat
- 5x Bubbling Muck
- 2x Bump in the Night
- 1x Buried Alive
- 2x Burn from Within
- 4x By Force
- 4x Cabal Therapy
- 5x Cached Defenses
- 6x Call of the Conclave
- 1x Call of the Herd
- 4x Call of the Nightwing
- 7x Call the Gatewatch
- 3x Call the Scions
- 3x Call the Skybreaker
- 1x Call to Mind
- 6x Call to the Feast
- 1x Cannibalize
- 1x Capital Punishment
- 5x Caravan Vigil
- 2x Caress of Phyrexia
- 4x Catch / Release
- 12x Cathartic Reunion
- 2x Cemetery Recruitment
- 3x Chain Lightning
- 2x Chain Reaction
- 1x Chandra's Ignition
- 10x Chandra's Revolution
- 2x Channel
Enchantment (157)
- 2x Boar Umbra
- 2x Boggart Shenanigans
- 5x Bonds of Faith
- 2x Bonds of Mortality
- 1x Bonds of Quicksilver
- 2x Boon of Emrakul
- 5x Bound by Moonsilver
- 2x Bounty of the Luxa
- 1x Brainwash
- 3x Brave the Sands
- 1x Break Through the Line
- 1x Breath of Fury
- 3x Bred for the Hunt
- 1x Breeding Pit
- 1x Brilliant Halo
- 4x Brink of Disaster
- 2x Burden of Guilt
- 1x Burgeoning
- 2x Burning Anger
- 7x Burning Vengeance
- 1x Burrowing
- 2x Cage of Hands
- 5x Call for Unity
- 2x Call of the Full Moon
- 4x Call of the Wild
- 5x Call the Bloodline
- 2x Call to the Grave
- 3x Campaign of Vengeance
- 4x Captured by the Consulate
- 1x Carpet of Flowers
- 12x Cartouche of Ambition
- 4x Cartouche of Knowledge
- 7x Cartouche of Solidarity
- 8x Cartouche of Strength
- 9x Cartouche of Zeal
- 10x Cast Out
- 1x Cast Through Time
- 3x Castaway's Despair
- 1x Castle
- 2x Cathars' Crusade
- 12x Caught in the Brights
- 8x Caustic Tar
- 2x Celestial Mantle
- 1x Chant of the Skifsang
Artifact (70)
- 5x Bomat Bazaar Barge
- 6x Bone Saw
- 4x Bonehoard
- 3x Bontu's Monument
- 1x Book of Rass
- 1x Boompile
- 1x Boros Cluestone
- 2x Boros Keyrune
- 3x Boros Signet
- 3x Bow of Nylea
- 3x Brain in a Jar
- 7x Brawler's Plate
- 3x Briber's Purse
- 1x Brittle Effigy
- 1x Bubble Matrix
- 1x Bubbling Cauldron
- 3x Butcher's Cleaver
- 4x Caged Sun
- 1x Caltrops
- 4x Captain's Claws
- 1x Captain's Hook
- 1x Carnage Altar
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 2x Cellar Door
- 4x Chalice of Life Flip
- 4x Chalice of the Void
Land (96)
- 4x Bloodstained Mire
- 7x Blooming Marsh
- 12x Blossoming Sands
- 2x Bojuka Bog
- 7x Boros Garrison
- 6x Boros Guildgate
- 1x Boseiju, Who Shelters All
- 10x Botanical Sanctum
Breeding Pool
- 4x Buried Ruin
- 1x Cabal Coffers
- 3x Cabal Pit
- 3x Canopy Vista
- 5x Canyon Slough
- 3x Cascade Bluffs
- 4x Cascading Cataracts
- 1x Cathedral of Serra
- 4x Cathedral of War
- 4x Cavern of Souls
- 5x Caves of Koilos
- 4x Celestial Colonnade
- 1x Cephalid Coliseum