First time playing: 1993 (Unlimited)

First Pack: Unlimited

Player Type: Johnny/Spike

Favorite builds: All strategies

Favorite colors:

Favorite color combination: Grixis

Favorite set: Mirrodin, Lorwyn, Kaladesh

Favorite card type: Artifact

My Magic Story

1993-2003: Casual Player

2003-2007: Local Competitor (Limited, Modern)

2007-2009: Professional/Grinder (Limited, Modern)

2009-2012: Casual Player

2012-2014: Local Competitor (Limited & Modern)

2014-present: Local Veteran/Brewmaster, PPTQ & GP Competitor (Limited, Modern, Standard)

My Magic Story in 8 cards

ANKH OF MISHRA - First rare I ever pulled from a pack. I still own it, and use it in my Kaervek, the Merciless Group Pain EDH

SKIRK PROSPECTOR - One of my near and dear favorites, I played a Legacy Skirk Prospector combo deck for a few years that was just a blast!

FLAMESPEAKER ADEPT /SIGILED STARFISH - In Theros Standard I ran a Jeskai Scry Deck that went undefeated in competitive play for the two years it was legal. I regret not taking it to a GP.

ENSOUL ARTIFACT - I run an aggressive version of Affinity in Modern, and when I turn one a 5/5 Indestuctible or 5/5 Lifelinking Flyer, the look on my opponent's face never gets old!

FOOTSTEPS OF THE GORYO - There's seldom a better feeling than casting this card targeting a Protean Hulk in the yard, then fetching Viscera Seer, Kitchen Finks, and Melira all at once for the win.

MINDSLAVER - Do the words "May I see your sideboard?" have anything to do with my affinity for this card? Why, yes. Yes they do! Before the 2016 ruling, this often caused your opponent to stutter for a moment and then concede.

ORCISH SPY/TELEPATHY - The other Lantern Control combination. Paired with an Isochron Scepter imprinting Dimir Charm, the results are hilarious, yet cost efficient!

GOBLIN GRENADE - Don't need that Goblin Arsonist or Mudbutton Torchrunner any longer? That's okay. Your opponent takes 6 or 8 to the face.

MTG Decks


Commander / EDH* aknotts


Talrand, Sky Summoner

Commander / EDH aknotts


Fynn the Fangbearer

Commander / EDH aknotts


Galea Precon

Commander / EDH aknotts


Inalla, Archmage Ritualist

Commander / EDH aknotts


The Scarab God

Commander / EDH aknotts



cube chart

Anthony Knotts' Artifact Cube - No Rares

aknotts — 2 years ago


Finished Decks 73
Prototype Decks 22
Drafts 0
Playing since Unlimited Edition
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Legacy, Vintage, Limited, Pre-release
Suppressed formats Commander / EDH, Unformat
Venues Hero's Haven, Addictive Behaviors, local store, The Nexus, GP, Nexus Games
Joined 10 years