MTG List: Kill Spells
Instant (36)
- 1x Abrupt Decay
- 1x Afterlife
- 1x Agonizing Demise
- 1x Anguished Unmaking
- 1x Beast Within
- 1x Bituminous Blast
- 1x Chaos Warp
- 1x Chill to the Bone
- 1x Diabolic Edict
- 1x Dismember
- 1x Doom Blade
- 1x Exile *list*
- 1x Eyeblight's Ending
- 1x Go for the Throat
- 1x Grasp of Darkness
- 1x Hero's Downfall
- 1x Last Gasp
- 1x Mortify
- 1x Murder
- 1x Path to Exile
- 1x Pongify
- 1x Putrefy
- 1x Radiate
- 1x Rapid Hybridization
- 1x Reciprocate
- 1x Reckless Spite
- 1x Recoil
- 1x Rend Flesh
- 1x Snuff Out
- 1x Sudden Shock
- 1x Terminate
- 1x Tragic Slip
- 1x Unmake
- 1x Vapor Snag
- 1x Vendetta
Artifact (5)
Sorcery (30)
- 1x All is Dust
- 1x Apocalypse
- 1x Ashes to Ashes
- 1x Black Sun's Zenith
- 1x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Chainer's Edict
- 1x Consuming Vapors
- 1x Curse of the Cabal
- 1x Curse of the Swine
- 1x Damnation
- 1x Decimate
- 1x Descend upon the Sinful
- 1x Eradicate
- 1x Hallowed Burial
- 1x Innocent Blood
- 1x Jokulhaups
- 1x Maelstrom Pulse
- 1x Merciless Eviction
- 1x Mutilate
- 1x Phthisis
- 1x Plague Wind
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 1x Supreme Verdict
- 1x Tendrils of Agony
- 1x Terminus
- 1x Vindicate
- 1x Violent Ultimatum
- 1x Virtue's Ruin
- 1x Worldfire
- 1x Wrath of God
Creature (6)
- 1x Ashen Rider
- 1x Ashling, the Extinguisher
- 1x Avatar of Woe
- 1x Sunblast Angel
- 1x Tsabo's Assassin
- 1x Visara the Dreadful