MTG List: CUBE-Innistrad-White
Creature (48)
- 1x Angel of Flight Alabaster
- 1x Angel of Glory's Rise
- 1x Angelic Overseer
- 1x Archangel Avacyn Flip
- 1x Bruna, the Fading Light Meld
- 1x Bygone Bishop
- 1x Cathedral Sanctifier
- 1x Champion of the Parish
- 1x Cloistered Youth Flip
- 1x Doomed Traveler
- 1x Drogskol Cavalry
- 1x Fiend Hunter
- 1x Geist-Honored Monk
- 1x Geist of the Lonely Vigil
- 1x Gisela, the Broken Blade Meld
- 1x Hanweir Militia Captain Flip
- 1x Hollowhenge Spirit
- 1x Lone Rider Flip
- 1x Loyal Cathar Flip
- 1x Mausoleum Guard
- 1x Mentor of the Meek
- 1x Midnight Duelist
- 1x Mikaeus, the Lunarch
- 1x Nearheath Chaplain
- 1x Nearheath Pilgrim
- 1x Niblis of the Mist
- 1x Niblis of the Urn
- 1x Pious Evangel Flip
- 1x Restoration Angel
- 1x Riders of Gavony
- 1x Selfless Cathar
- 1x Selfless Spirit
- 1x Silverblade Paladin
- 1x Slayer of the Wicked
- 1x Spectral Rider
- 1x Spectral Shepherd
- 1x Steadfast Cathar
- 1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
- 1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar
- 1x Thalia's Lancers
- 1x Thalia's Lieutenant
- 1x Thraben Doomsayer
- 1x Thraben Heretic
- 1x Thraben Inspector
- 1x Thraben Standard Bearer
- 1x Topplegeist
- 1x Town Gossipmonger Flip
- 1x Unruly Mob