I first got to know MTG in 1995 and played casually with my friends for many years. During that time I introduced dozens of people to the game, but never took part in any event, nor did I visit any venues to play with people I did not know. I stopped during the first Ravnica block. Last year I stumbled over my collection and a nifty App to catalogue Magic cards with. I thought: "before I throw them all away I should at least check if they are worth anything"... they added up to several thousand Euros... While searching for someone to buy my cards I stumbled over the Magic community in my hometown and got hooked, again! So, here I am again, gathering Magic, trying out decks and having fun, but this time around I am at the venues dueling the planswalkers. ... I feel like an absolute beginner... with ambitions, though. ;)

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MTG Decks

Mardu Gearhulks

Standard batmantoo


Finished Decks 2
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Revised Edition
Avg. deck rating 4.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Commander / EDH, Limited, Pre-release, Block Constructed
Joined 10 years