MTG List: Green Commander Staples


Ramp (65)

Protection (19)

Other (12)

Lands (9)

Bombs (35)

Card Advantage (28)

Targeted Removal (25)

Tutors (10)

Board Wipe (3)


Green staples, sorted by "type". Types are commander-specific, and as follows:

Board Wipe - Cards which remove multiple permanents from the field Bombs - Big Cards that Do Big Things Card Advantage - Cards which allow you to gain/use more cards than your opponents Lands - Hur de dur Other - Cards in color which are useful but don't fit in other categories Protection - Cards which prevent your permanents from removal Ramp - Cards which get you more mana to spend Targeted Removal - Cards which selectively remove permanents from the field Tutors - Cards which let you seek your library for non-ramp cards