MTG List: Better EDH banlist



This should be a better EDH banlist mainly targetet at cEDH, but also for more casual players as it addresses some $$$ issues when entering the format. The goal here is to create a banlist that does not dramatically lower the power level (it does but only because I've removed the most busted combos that lead to feel bad moments). My reasoning for banning the most expensive good cards is that it feels awful when you want to play a deck but can't bring it to 100% because you don't have 1000$ laying around. Therefore I propose to ban all cards that are over 100 euros that are somewhat playable in Commander. (Magiccardmarket prices).

The actual banlist (#Broken tag) is for cards which enable powerful early game threats e.g. Channel or are just plain broken like Necropotence, which "draw" too many cards and dodge removal, leading to a blue dominated format as counterspells are the only interaction with it and Zur dodges them. Blue will stay strong with this banlist as will black, but not being that much better than other colors. I am still on the edge with najeela, as with this banlist her power may have decreased. Thrasios should be banned as it decreases deck diversity. 1 CMC Mana dorks that make colored mana without any restrictions or drawbacks should also be banned as there are lots of them and they make green too good without the other mana rocks. Maybe we will keep Avacyn's Pilgrim and a green dork, but not each copy as green gets the best ramp even without playing artifacts. I will explain each card in more detail when I find time. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments. I will try to keep this banlist as small as possible.

This banlist will not be aimed at casual battlecruiser players that pack little to no interaction, but for more experienced players looking to have a more balanced metagame and less feel bad moments. The latter is fixed by banning the fast mana rocks like Sol Ring and Busted plays like Entomb->Reanimate and Flash->Hulk. In the afromentioned combos only the early game enabler is banned as players can interact with these after a few turns.

This is not a final list and was not thoroughly tested and changes will be made over the course of the next weeks.