MTG List: Red
Creature (738)
- 5x Aether Chaser
- 2x Aethertorch Renegade
- 2x Ahn-Crop Crasher
- 1x Ahn-Crop Invader
- 1x Akoum Flameseeker
- 3x Akoum Hellhound
- 1x Akoum Hellhound
- 1x Akoum Hellhound
- 1x Akoum Stonewaker
- 1x Akoum Warrior Flip
- 1x Akroan Sergeant
- 3x Anax, Hardened in the Forge
- 3x Arena Trickster
- 1x Aurora Phoenix
- 1x Avarax
- 1x Battle-Rattle Shaman
- 1x Battle-Rattle Shaman
- 1x Battlefield Scavenger
- 1x Bedlam Reveler
- 1x Belligerent Whiptail
- 2x Blisterspit Gremlin
- 2x Blood Aspirant
- 3x Bloodhaze Wolverine
- 7x Bloodlust Inciter
- 1x Bloodmad Vampire
- 1x Bloodrage Brawler
- 1x Bloodrage Brawler
- 11x Bloodstone Goblin
- 1x Boarding Party
- 1x Boarding Party
- 1x Boggart Brute
- 3x Bone Pit Brute
- 1x Borderland Marauder
- 1x Borderland Marauder
- 2x Borderland Marauder
- 1x Brash Taunter
- 1x Brazen Buccaneers
- 4x Brazen Freebooter
- 4x Brazen Freebooter
- 2x Brazen Scourge
- 5x Brazen Wolves
- 1x Breakneck Rider Flip
- 2x Breeches, Brazen Plunderer
- 4x Burning-Fist Minotaur
- 1x Burning Sun's Avatar
- 1x Burning-Yard Trainer
- 1x Captivating Crew
- 2x Careless Celebrant
- 1x Chained Brute
- 2x Chainwhip Cyclops
- 1x Champion of the Flame
- 6x Champion of the Flame
- 4x Chandra's Embercat
- 1x Chandra's Embercat
- 1x Chandra's Incinerator
- 2x Chandra's Magmutt
- 2x Chandra's Magmutt
- 1x Chandra's Magmutt
- 2x Chandra's Pyreling
- 1x Chandra's Spitfire
- 2x Charging Monstrosaur
- 2x Charging Tuskodon
- 1x Cinder Hellion
- 1x Clamor Shaman
- 3x Cloudpiercer
- 1x Coastline Marauders
- 1x Coercive Recruiter
- 1x Conduit of Storms Flip
- 4x Convicted Killer Flip
- 1x Crimson Fleet Commodore
- 1x Cyclops of One-Eyed Pass
- 1x Dagger Caster
- 6x Daggersail Aeronaut
- 1x Dargo, the Shipwrecker
- 8x Defiant Khenra
- 1x Defiant Khenra
- 4x Desert Cerodon
- 4x Destructive Digger
- 1x Dragon Egg
- 1x Dragon Egg
- 1x Dragon Egg
- 3x Dragon Mage
- 2x Drannith Stinger
- 1x Dreamshaper Shaman
- 3x Dreamstalker Manticore
- 3x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 1x Ember Hauler
- 1x Embereth Paladin
- 5x Emberhorn Minotaur
- 1x Emberwilde Captain
- 1x Embodiment of Fury
- 2x Embraal Gear-Smasher
- 1x Enraged Giant
- 1x Enthralling Victor
- 1x Everquill Phoenix
- 1x Expedition Champion
- 1x Falkenrath Gorger
- 1x Falkenrath Reaver
- 1x Fanatical Firebrand
- 2x Fathom Fleet Firebrand
- 1x Fearless Halberdier
- 2x Ferocious Tigorilla
- 4x Fervent Paincaster
- 6x Fire Elemental
- 4x Fire Elemental
- 2x Fire Shrine Keeper
- 2x Fireblade Charger
- 3x Firebrand Archer
- 1x Firefist Adept
- 1x Fireflux Squad
- 1x Fissure Wizard
- 2x Flameblade Adept
- 2x Flameblade Angel
- 1x Flametongue Kavu
- 4x Flummoxed Cyclops
- 1x Fomori Nomad
- 1x Forerunner of the Empire
- 2x Frenzied Raptor
- 2x Frenzied Raptor
- 1x Frenzied Saddlebrute
- 1x Frontier Warmonger
- 5x Frontline Devastator
- 1x Fumiko the Lowblood
- 1x Furyblade Vampire
- 4x Gatstaf Arsonists Flip
- 8x Ghitu Chronicler
- 5x Ghitu Journeymage
- 8x Ghitu Lavarunner
- 2x Ghor-Clan Wrecker
- 3x Gibbering Fiend
- 6x Gilded Cerodon
- 1x Gilded Cerodon
- 1x Glint-Horn Buccaneer
- 1x Goblin Arsonist
- 3x Goblin Assailant
- 5x Goblin Bird-Grabber
- 1x Goblin Champion
- 1x Goblin Chieftain
- 1x Goblin Cratermaker
- 1x Goblin Freerunner
- 4x Goblin Ringleader
- 8x Goblin Smuggler
- 1x Goblin Smuggler
- 2x Goblin Trailblazer
- 2x Goldnight Castigator
- 1x Goma Fada Vanguard
- 7x Granitic Titan
- 2x Grim Initiate
- 1x Grotag Bug-Catcher
- 1x Grotag Night-Runner
- 1x Grotag Night-Runner
- 1x Hanweir Garrison Meld
- 1x Havoc Jester
- 1x Havoc Jester
- 3x Headstrong Brute
- 2x Heart-Piercer Manticore
- 2x Heartfire Immolator
- 1x Hellkite Punisher
- 1x Hellkite Whelp
- 1x Hellrider
- 3x Hero of the Games
- 4x Heroes of the Revel
- 2x Hobblefiend
- 3x Howlpack Wolf
- 1x Hulking Devil
- 1x Humble Defector
- 1x Hungering Yeti
- 5x Hyena Pack
- 2x Igneous Cur
- 1x Ill-Tempered Cyclops
- 2x Impulsive Pilferer
- 3x Incendiary Oracle
- 1x Incorrigible Youths
- 1x Insatiable Gorgers
- 4x Insolent Neonate
- 1x Inventor's Apprentice
- 1x Irencrag Pyromancer
- 3x Irreverent Revelers
- 1x Kargan Intimidator
- 3x Karplusan Hound
- 1x Kazuul's Toll Collector
- 5x Keldon Overseer
- 1x Keldon Overseer
- 6x Keldon Raider
- 2x Keldon Raider
- 6x Keldon Warcaller
- 1x Kessig Forgemaster Flip
- 5x Khenra Scrapper
- 1x Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker
- 1x Kragma Butcher
- 1x Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin
- 1x Lathliss, Dragon Queen
- 1x Lathnu Sailback
- 2x Lava Serpent
- 4x Lavakin Brawler
- 1x Leaping Master
- 2x Lightning-Rig Crew
- 2x Lightning-Rig Crew
- 1x Lightning Shrieker
- 1x Mad Prophet
- 3x Mad Ratter
- 1x Mage-Ring Bully
- 3x Magmaroth
- 1x Magmatic Channeler
- 1x Magus of the Wheel
- 2x Makindi Sliderunner
- 4x Manticore Eternal
- 5x Manticore of the Gauntlet
- 1x Mardu Warshrieker
- 3x Merchant of the Vale
- 5x Minotaur Sureshot
- 1x Momentum Rumbler
- 1x Mudbutton Torchrunner
- 1x Needletooth Raptor
- 6x Nef-Crop Entangler
- 1x Neheb, the Eternal
- 3x Nest Robber
- 4x Nimble-Blade Khenra
- 4x Nyxborn Brute
- 4x Ogre Errant
- 6x Onakke Ogre
- 1x Ondu Champion
- 4x Orazca Raptor
- 2x Orcish Vandal
- 1x Orcish Vandal
- 3x Oread of Mountain's Blaze
- 3x Pack Mastiff
- 6x Pathmaker Initiate
- 4x Pitchburn Devils
- 1x Porcuparrot
- 3x Prickly Marmoset
- 1x Priest of Iroas
- 8x Pyre Hound
- 1x Pyroceratops
- 1x Pyroclastic Hellion
- 4x Pyromantic Pilgrim
- 6x Raging Redcap
- 5x Rampaging Cyclops
- 1x Rampaging Ferocidon
- 1x Rapacious Dragon
- 1x Ravenous Bloodseeker
- 1x Reckless Bushwhacker
- 1x Reckless Fireweaver
- 3x Redcap Raiders
- 1x Rimrock Knight
- 4x Ripscale Predator
- 3x Ripscale Predator
- 1x Rockslide Sorcerer
- 1x Rowdy Crew
- 2x Ruinous Gremlin
- 1x Rummaging Goblin
- 1x Rummaging Goblin
- 2x Sand Strangler
- 4x Sanguinary Mage
- 1x Sanguinary Mage
- 2x Scampering Scorcher
- 2x Scorch Rider
- 4x Scorch Spitter
- 1x Scourge Devil
- 1x Scourge Wolf
- 1x Scrapper Champion
- 1x Seven Dwarves
- 1x Shatterskull Charger
- 2x Shatterskull Recruit
- 2x Shivan Dragon
- 2x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Siege-Gang Commander
- 1x Silverclad Ferocidons
- 1x Sin Prodder
- 1x Sin Prodder
- 1x Skirk Commando
- 4x Skirk Prospector
- 2x Skizzik
- 1x Skophos Maze-Warden
- 3x Skophos Warleader
- 1x Skullknocker Ogre
- 1x Skyclave Geopede
- 2x Skyraker Giant
- 1x Skyraker Giant
- 2x Smoldering Werewolf Flip
- 3x Sneaking Guide
- 1x Soul-Scar Mage
- 2x Sparktongue Dragon
- 1x Spear Spewer
- 1x Speedway Fanatic
- 4x Spelleater Wolverine
- 3x Spellgorger Weird
- 1x Spellgorger Weird
- 1x Spikeshot Goblin
- 4x Spireside Infiltrator
- 1x Spiteful Prankster
- 1x Spitfire Lagac
- 1x Spitfire Lagac
- 1x Spontaneous Artist
- 2x Squee, the Immortal
- 4x Stampede Rider
- 2x Stampeding Horncrest
- 1x Stensia Innkeeper
- 1x Storm Fleet Arsonist
- 1x Storm Fleet Pyromancer
- 1x Storm Fleet Swashbuckler
- 1x Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner
- 2x Sun-Collared Raptor
- 5x Swaggering Corsair
- 3x Sweatworks Brawler
- 1x Syr Carah, the Bold
- 1x Tectonic Giant
- 4x Teeterpeak Ambusher
- 1x Terror of Mount Velus
- 8x Thermo-Alchemist
- 6x Thorned Moloch
- 3x Thrash of Raptors
- 6x Thresher Lizard
- 1x Thunder Brute
- 1x Thundering Giant
- 1x Thundering Sparkmage
- 1x Thunderkin Awakener
- 1x Tibalt's Rager
- 1x Tibalt's Rager
- 1x Titan of Eternal Fire
- 1x Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith
- 1x Tunneling Geopede
- 1x Turret Ogre
- 1x Two-Headed Giant
- 1x Unchained Berserker
- 5x Underworld Rage-Hound
- 1x Valakut Invoker
- 1x Valakut Predator
- 2x Verix Bladewing
- 3x Vildin-Pack Outcast Flip
- 2x Volcanic Rambler
- 5x Voldaren Duelist
- 2x Warcry Phoenix
- 2x Warfire Javelineer
- 1x Wayward Giant
- 1x Wayward Guide-Beast
- 1x Weaselback Redcap
- 2x Wily Goblin
- 2x Zada's Commando
Instant (256)
- 1x Abandon Reason
- 2x Abrade
- 2x Blindblast
- 2x Blitz of the Thunder-Raptor
- 6x Blur of Blades
- 4x Bombard
- 4x Borrowed Hostility
- 3x Brute Strength
- 1x Brute Strength
- 4x Buccaneer's Bravado
- 3x Built to Smash
- 3x Burn Bright
- 1x Burn Bright
- 2x Carbonize
- 4x Chandra's Defeat
- 1x Chandra's Outrage
- 2x Chandra's Pyrohelix
- 1x Chandra's Pyrohelix
- 1x Cinderclasm
- 1x Collateral Damage
- 5x Deem Worthy
- 1x Dinosaur Stampede
- 1x Dissension in the Ranks
- 3x Dual Shot
- 1x Dual Shot
- 1x Dynacharge
- 3x Electrify
- 3x Expedite
- 2x Fateful End
- 5x Fervent Strike
- 1x Fiery Cannonade
- 1x Fiery Cannonade
- 2x Fiery Impulse
- 4x Fiery Temper
- 3x Final Flare
- 3x Fire Prophecy
- 1x Fists of Flame
- 1x Flame Spill
- 2x Flame Sweep
- 1x Flames of the Raze-Boar
- 5x Fling
- 1x Fling
- 1x Fling
- 2x Fry
- 6x Galvanic Bombardment
- 2x Goblin Wizardry
- 1x Heightened Reflexes
- 6x Hungry Flames
- 1x Incendiary Sabotage
- 3x Infuriate
- 2x Infuriate
- 3x Inordinate Rage
- 1x Invigorated Rampage
- 2x Kazuul's Fury Flip
- 7x Kindled Fury
- 3x Lightning Axe
- 2x Lightning Strike
- 6x Magma Spray
- 2x Magmatic Sinkhole
- 3x Molten Blast
- 8x Open Fire
- 3x Otherworldly Outburst
- 1x Outnumber
- 7x Pursue Glory
- 5x Radiating Lightning
- 7x Raking Claws
- 1x Ravaging Blaze
- 1x Redcap Melee
- 9x Run Amok
- 1x Rush of Adrenaline
- 1x Rush of Adrenaline
- 3x Scorching Dragonfire
- 1x Scorchmark
- 1x Searing Barrage
- 2x Shatter
- 6x Shivan Fire
- 1x Shivan Fire
- 4x Shock
- 4x Shock
- 2x Shock
- 1x Shock
- 1x Shredded Sails
- 1x Slaying Fire
- 1x Smash to Smithereens
- 3x Soul Sear
- 1x Soul's Fire
- 1x Spreading Flames
- 1x Starstorm
- 2x Stonefury
- 1x Sulfurous Blast
- 2x Sure Strike
- 1x Synchronized Spellcraft
- 3x Thrill of Possibility
- 2x Thrill of Possibility
- 2x Thrill of Possibility
- 1x Titan's Strength
- 2x Uncaged Fury
- 1x Unfriendly Fire
- 3x Unleash Fury
- 1x Urza's Rage
- 1x Volcanic Geyser
- 1x Weapon Surge
- 2x Welding Sparks
- 2x Welding Sparks
Sorcery (208)
- 1x Act of Treason
- 5x Act of Treason
- 3x Alchemist's Greeting
- 2x Avacyn's Judgment
- 1x Bathe in Dragonfire
- 2x Blazing Volley
- 2x Blazing Volley
- 2x Blow Your House Down
- 2x By Force
- 1x By Force
- 3x Cathartic Reunion
- 1x Cathartic Reunion
- 2x Chandra's Outburst
- 2x Chandra's Revolution
- 1x Claim the Firstborn
- 3x Cleansing Wildfire
- 2x Cone of Flame
- 1x Cosmotronic Wave
- 4x Crash Through
- 1x Crash Through
- 1x Crater's Claws
- 1x Demolish
- 1x Demolish
- 1x Demolish
- 6x Destructive Tampering
- 1x Devour in Flames
- 7x Distemper of the Blood
- 1x Dragon Fodder
- 1x Dragon Fodder
- 1x Erratic Explosion
- 6x Fiery Intervention
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Firecannon Blast
- 1x Flame Jab
- 1x Flame Jab
- 2x Forbidden Friendship
- 1x Furious Reprisal
- 2x Go for Blood
- 1x Goatnap
- 2x Goblin Barrage
- 2x Goblin Gathering
- 1x Goblin War Party
- 1x Harmless Offering
- 1x Harmless Offering
- 1x Hazoret's Undying Fury
- 3x Hijack
- 3x Hijack
- 2x Incendiary Flow
- 1x Indomitable Creativity
- 1x Inferno Jet
- 1x Jaya's Immolating Inferno
- 1x Joust
- 1x Kari Zev's Expertise
- 1x Lightning Javelin
- 2x Limits of Solidarity
- 2x Madcap Experiment
- 2x Magmatic Chasm
- 4x Make Mischief
- 1x Malevolent Whispers
- 1x Mark of Mutiny
- 1x Mythos of Vadrok
- 1x Nahiri's Lithoforming
- 1x Portent of Betrayal
- 2x Portent of Betrayal
- 1x Press into Service
- 7x Puncturing Blow
- 2x Pyrophobia
- 4x Reckless Air Strike
- 4x Reduce to Ashes
- 1x Reduce to Ashes
- 3x Renegade Tactics
- 2x Rile
- 3x Roil Eruption
- 1x Rolling Thunder
- 3x Satyr's Cunning
- 14x Seismic Shift
- 1x Seismic Stomp
- 1x Shatterskull Smashing Flip
- 5x Shenanigans
- 1x Shreds of Sanity
- 1x Spark of Creativity
- 1x Start Your Engines
- 3x Stensia Banquet
- 4x Structural Distortion
- 3x Tectonic Rift
- 3x Tormenting Voice
- 2x Tormenting Voice
- 2x Traitorous Greed
- 3x Turn to Slag
- 1x Underworld Fires
- 1x Volcanic Salvo
- 11x Warlord's Fury
- 3x Wrap in Flames
Enchantment (100)
- 1x Aria of Flame
- 2x Aspect of Manticore
- 1x Barrage of Expendables
- 2x Blood Mist
- 1x Burning Earth
- 1x Burning Vengeance
- 4x Cartouche of Zeal
- 1x Cavalcade of Calamity
- 2x Consuming Fervor
- 1x Double Vision
- 2x Dragon Mantle
- 1x Epiphany Storm
- 2x Escape Velocity
- 1x Fiery Emancipation
- 3x Footfall Crater
- 2x Form of the Dinosaur
- 4x Frenzied Rage
- 2x Furious Rise
- 2x Furious Rise
- 2x Furnace Celebration
- 2x Furor of the Bitten
- 1x Giant Spectacle
- 2x Imminent Doom
- 2x Impending Doom
- 4x Iroas's Blessing
- 1x Leyline of Combustion
- 1x Makeshift Munitions
- 2x Makeshift Munitions
- 6x Maniacal Rage
- 1x Molten Echoes
- 4x Omen of the Forge
- 1x Outpost Siege
- 1x Prophetic Ravings
- 1x Rage Reflection
- 2x Reptilian Reflection
- 1x Sanctum of Shattered Heights
- 1x See Red
- 3x Senseless Rage
- 1x Spiteful Motives
- 2x Stensia Masquerade
- 2x Swashbuckling
- 2x The First Eruption
- 1x The Flame of Keld
- 3x The Triumph of Anax
- 2x Tilonalli's Crown
- 2x Trial of Zeal
- 1x Trove of Temptation
- 1x Underworld Breach
- 1x Undying Rage
- 3x Vessel of Volatility
- 1x Vigilante Justice
- 2x Vow of Lightning
- 2x Weaponize the Monsters