Hey guys Chadbrochill69 here. I am new to the magic the gathering game i recently started playing. Here are some interesting facts about me.

I am the host of a local radio show called "bro chill roundup"

I create my own dubstep.

In my free time I weight lift and impress many women with my skills.

I drink lots of beer with my football buddies.

I only wear air jordan clothing.

I am new to magic and I only have 1 deck right now.

6'4'' 190 pounds of sheer godliness.

The gods chiseled my face with the chisel of beauty and complection

I was high school football team captain.

I do use old spice.


Yes ladies, I do have a 6 pack

I get more ass then a toilet seat

those are just some facts about me.

Experience+Raw Talent+Knowledge+Jank= A magic player

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MTG Decks

Just blacking it up.

Unknown* chadbroski69

SCORE: 3 | 251 VIEWS

Finished Decks 3
Prototype Decks 2
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 3.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 13 years