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cosmokai2000's Binder

I'm Stephen, and here's my shtuff I have and want, simple as that. I am a big EDH player, so feel free to offer stuff that's fun in EDH, even if it's not on my wants list. I have large amounts of commons and uncommons from Ravnica block, RTR block, and the Lorwyn block. No way that I am going to list them all, but feel free to ask. I typically use TCGplayer mid for pricing. I am also not opposed to taking gold-bordered cards, like in the championship decks.

All of my cards are also listed on Pucatrade, if you're interested

German cards are awesome too

The foil Grove of the Guardian, foil Archon of the Triumvirate, foil Dragon Throne of Tarkir, and one of the foil Consuming Aberration are prerelease promos

The foil Render Silent is the Buy-a-box promo

the foil Plague Stinger is an FNM promo


4x Wild Nacatl foil and in the german language

I want to finish collecting foils listed in Skywatch of Ravnica foil needs


I want your FNM and full-art promo cards. Feel free to make me an offer!

Last Update: 8 years ago

-1 Tundra want