my name is josh. friends call me george or geo for short. thus the user name curious_geo90. i also hav a tattoo of curious george under my arm on my rib cage. i live around madison, wisconsin. i got into magic around the early 2000's. i gave up on the game because i got into other hobbies and i used most of my free time to indulge myself in the other hobbies. i also am a drummer in a blues rock band with my brother. love music. around 2012 i got back into the game. started learning the game again, and in mid-late 2012 i started making decks. of course i started out very un-educated on the subject of deck building, but then i worked at it until now. i am still mediocre at it, but i have fun doing it. the decks i create are mostly used for casual games against friends. i really like making decks with themes, such as using the same abilities, same creature types, same other spell types, etc. im not a huge fan of just throwing cards together to make the ultimate deck, especially for the ones i use in casual games. i like that the cards have their strength's and weakness's, it makes for very interesting games. i also am very interested in getting into tournament play around my area. for the tourney decks i would have no problem, and would actually encourage myself to make a deck that is a mix of great cards.

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MTG Decks

DECK #1: Death's Presence (deathtouch/regen/aggro)

Casual* curious_geo90


Finished Decks 26
Prototype Decks 25
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Legacy, Vintage, Commander / EDH, Planechase, Archenemy
Joined 12 years