I started playing MTG when Innistrad came out, and started playing with the Event deck Deathfed, and I loved it. After that, i played BW sacrifice after the release of dark assension, which then evolved to BW Tokens. Finally, after losing always at my local FNM, decided to build something using infect. Then I built my favourite deck all arround: MBI. After that, and testing different formats through the net, I just fell in love with the color black, and how it could be played in every format, or how I tried to find a way to play it. After playing in other formats, I also fell in love with combo. Hence, my favourite deck all arround is a Mix between classic SI and ANT. ever since i've discovered Magic, I couldn't stop thinking or reading about it. It turned to be a passion.

My archtype? Johnny. Also, I hate Spike players, who desperately want to win by using only the best deck, and looking down on everyone else who plays something they like. That's the main reason I dropped playing T2. Still, I like thinking new things for T2.

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MTG Decks

Jalira, Threat Bringer

Commander / EDH* dante_klammer


Exalted for da poor's

Casual dante_klammer

SCORE: 1 | 213 VIEWS

Grixis Infect Budget Vintage

Casual* dante_klammer


Look Ma, No Hands!

Commander / EDH* dante_klammer


Finished Decks 47
Prototype Decks 12
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 3.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Legacy, Commander / EDH, Casual
Joined 12 years