MTG List: Esper clone value idea thing


Creature (82)

Sorcery (90)

Enchantment (134)

Instant (51)

Artifact (41)

Land (10)


Kambal, Profiteering Mayor is ideal. I love the idea of it with Silverquill Lecturer to get clones of things you cast.

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle i like the idea of this card. it could add a cool direction for Kambal too

I really want to make an Aminatou, Veil Piercerfoil deck, which would desire to have more and more enchantments making Teshar less desirable. But adding Blue for Kambal would be amazing, asie from having less access to him. Transversely, Aminatou's Augury is ideal for a deck with various types.

I also really really want to use Heliod, the Radiant Dawn  Flip which would go perfectly in Animatou too