MTG List: Kaladesh: Draft #1



Ended up drafting UR splashing W. First pick was Confiscation Coup and I stayed in U for the next bunch of picks. I started drifting in W with picks of Propeller Pioneer and 2x Wispweaver Angel and even a late Cloudblazer! I was planning on UW but then started picking up decent red cards late like 2x Welding Sparks and Whirler Virtuoso. Once the dust settled I realized that I had a lot of red removal so white became a splash. I grabbed 2x Gearseeker Serpent early as finishers and a bunch of small artifacts to discount them. I really wish I could have grabbed one more Serpant though.

MATCH 1 versus UG (2-0)

Game 1 was a long drawn-out match. I was able to slowly stabilize and leverage removal and after scrying a bunch I was able to finish things with three thopters courtesy of Whirler Virtuoso. The card that prompted the concession was Confiscation Coup.

Game 2 was even more long and drawn-out. I shut down Thriving Rhino but was low on action and began to get beat down by Hightide Hermit with plenty of energy in the bank. I was eventually able to stabilize and get a bunch of creatures on board. Things were looking very good for me after I Confiscated the Hightide Hermit and cast a Gearseeker Serpent but we then went to time. My opponent still was decently high in life, but kindly conceded. I probably would have won, but probably not fast enough to get their during extra turns.

MATCH 2 versus RB (1-2)

Game 1 had my opponent on only red mana and I was able to eventually deal with his early threats and finish him off with flyers, including a Confiscated Snare Thopter.

Game 2 did not go as well. My opponent had a very fast start and Hijacked my solo Vedalken Blademaster to win the game very quickly.

Game 3 went similar to Game 2. I felt better with an early Consulate Skygate, but he chipped in enough with Night Market Lookout's drain to finish me before I could stabilize.

MATCH 3 versus BG (0-2)

Game 1 was an incredibly long and grindy game. Both of us had lots of removal. He got rid of both my Gearseeker Serpents, Whirler Virtuoso, and Cloudblazer and I got rid of his Prakhata Club Security, Accomplished Automaton, and some other creatures. I sort of ran out of ways to end the game, the ground was pretty clogged and I ran out of fliers. My opponent also gained a lot of life. My opponent attacked with a Prakhata Pillar-Bug with a +1/+1 counter a bunch of times with lifelink. I blocked a lot with Consulate Skygate, but looking back I think that I should have prioritized multi-blocking to kill the lifelinker immediately. When I eventually tried to do that I got blown out by a Durable Handicraft sacrifice that I forgot about. After losing a bunch of creatures, things went downhill very fast. And Renegade Freighter helped finish me off.

In Game 2 I sided out 1x Glassblower's Puzzleknot and 1x Iron League Steed for Wayward Giant and Demolish, but things did not go so well. I kept a risky hand with no blue mana which had Plains, Mountain, Chandra's Pyrohelix, Workshop Assistant and some blue cards. I figured the burn spell would buy me time and a third land of any color would get me going. However, I faced a turn 3 Renegade Freighter and did not draw a third land. Worse than that, the creature that was crewing the Freighter had three toughness so I couldn't even kill it with my Chandra's Pyrohelix. I finally drew a land and used a Welding Sparks on the Freighter, but it was too late. I was a few life short of partially stabilizing with some creatures and removal.

All in all I enjoyed the deck, but I think it needed some more impactful creatures. I could often stabilize, but not really have a way to end the game. I cast gearseeker serpants many times, but they were often shut down my Malfunction or Tidy Conclusion and it felt like I needed a little bit more. I still had a good time, but I think I want to draft a more aggressive deck next time.