I ended up building GBu and went (1-2), but the draft portion was pretty confusing. In retrospect, I think I should have been GW aggro, but it was sort of hard to tell at the time. Pack 1 pick 1 was Tatyova, Benthic Druid which is an amazing card (over Urza's Ruinous Blast) which was soon supplemented with 3x Yavimaya Sapherd so I was feeling pretty good. I think the U in Tatyova's mana cost was causing me to over prioritize blue cards initially instead of really trying to stay open. I think I sometimes try and lock into my two colors too early and first picking Tatyova, Bethic Druid was feeding that tendency. By the end of Pack 1 I somehow wheeled Urza's Ruinous Blast and picked up a Fall of the Thran along with a Mesa Unicorn. Those cards aren't completely amazing, but might have been the start of a nice GWu deck. I think pack 2 pick 1 was In Bolas's Clutches which kept me tied to blue and it wasn't until partway through this pack that I finally settled into GBu, I think that officially happened with a pack 2 pick 2 Slimefoot, the Stowaway. The reason I think I missed my chance with white was because I passed Danitha Capashen, Paragon, Dauntless Bodyguard, Baird, Steward of Argive, and multiple D'Avenant Trappers and I ended up with 3x unplayed Corrosive Ooze, so with a few more combat tricks I could have had a really aggressive deck with Fall of the Thran as a closer. Considering how late in the draft I decided on my colors, I think my deck turned out decently well, but not having any removal and the fact that both of my best cards were from the splash did not feel very good.
MATCH 1 vs GBw saprolings (2-0)
Well we soon realized that we were taking the cards that each other needed, I think we were pretty evenly matched though. Game 1 I got a slim lead and my opponent stabilized by casting a Mammoth Spider, but I was able to immediately steal it with In Bolas' Clutches and end the game soon after.
Game 2 was close, I made a pretty bad misplay, but probably wasn't going to win from that position anyway. My opponent cast a turn 4 Torgaar, Famine Incarnate putting me to 10, but fortunately I had a Slimefoot, the Stowaway in play, so my chump blocking saprolings were actually putting me ahead. Soon a Arvad the Cursed started making things difficult for me, however, I eventyally came to the point where I realized that I had an exactly lethal attack, I attacked with everyone into a Thorn Elemental and Arvad the Cursed. But to my horror I had forgotten about Arvad the Cursed's lifelink, so I lost most of my creatures and I died soon after. I'm not sure I could have beaten Thorn Elemental plus Arvad the Cursed plus Torgaar, Famine Incarnate, but that horrible play did not help.
Game 3 went better for me. Sporecrown Thallid was boosting my many saproling tokens and I was able to immediately gain control of Thorn Elemental with In Bolas's Clutches. My opponent killed Thorn Elemental and lost a bunch of creatures to my attack the next turn, but I then cast my own Thorn Elemental to close out the game.
MATCH 2 vs UW historic (0-2)
Game 1 went poorly. I had an opportunity early on the trade my Sporecrown Thallid with a Relic Runner and chose not to thinking that my creature would be very valuable later on with all my saproling generation (but I had none in hand). Soon that Relic Runner was joined by another and I stopped being able to block them because tons of artifacts like Short Swords began coming down. It also didn't help that Karn, Scion of Urza was making constructs and Mishra's Self-Replicator cloned itself a bunch of times. I was soon taking unblockable damage and losing all my creatures by chump blocking giant construct tokens. I was able to gain control of Karn, Scion of Urza with In Bolas's Clutches and make a single construct as a small moral victory, but this game got out of hand fast.
Game 2 went even worse. I mulliganed to six and landed a Slimefoot, the Stowaway, but was already under a lot of pressure from unblockable Relic Runners and a Aesthir Glider, I couldn't get anything going and died very quickly.
MATCH 3 vs UW (0-2)
Game 1 was excruciating. I was flooding the board nicely and was setting up for the game ending kicked Wild Onslaught but then Baird, Steward of Argive came down. Now all of a sudden my mana was tied up and I was slowly dying to an Aven Sentry I couldn't block. Also, my demon token from Rite of Belzenlok was simply bounced by a Academy Journeymage. I made a desperation attack after finally kicking Wild Onslaught at the end, but my opponent had plenty of blockers to survive. Not even an active tayiova, bethic druid could get me out of that kind of mess. I might have been able to still pull out the win if my Slimefoot, the Stowaway had not have been bounced the turn before, because I needed to keep gaining life from dying saproling creatures. I suspect there might have been a better way to navigate this situation on my end, but I was pretty much at the mercy of Baird because I had no removal.
Game 2 was also disappointing. I boarded out 1x Adventurous Impulse and 1x Rite of Belzenlok for 1x Pierce the Sky and 1x Merfolk Trickster (to help ground a flyer for a turn or blank Baird for a surprise attack). I was under early pressure from Pegasus Courser giving Academy Journeymage flying and that Journeymage really set me back by bouncing my Thallid Omnivore. Soon Aven Sentry was also attacking me and even though I killed it with Pierce the Sky the damage had already been done and Time of Ice really slammed the door shut on me. I was able to cast a kicked Wild Onslaught, but many of my creatures were about to get bounced and I was getting killed by fliers anyway.
I still had fun despite my poor showing and hope I get the chance to draft Dominaria a few more times to get a better feel for the format and the redeem myself. I think this formate requires a lot of discipline, because there are so many interesting directions to take decks that I think it's easy to fall into the trap of trying to do too many different things instead of one very cohesive strategy. I end up splashing every time and I don't think I'm even getting a much higher power level doing so. I think it would be better to stick to two colors to avoid excessive mana issues and to have a more direct plan.
Wild Onslaught seems super good, but kept (keeps) being sort of medium for me.
Rite of Belzenlok is ok. It definitely won me a game, and had potential, you just need to be wary of bounce spells.
Tatyova, Benthic Druid is great, I wish I had her in play more that one time. Things might have gone better.
In Bolas's Clutches was amazing. It won me multiple games and was a card I always wanted to draw.
Grow from the Ashes is really nice. I wish I could have drafted one more copy to feel even better about the splash and ramp me into my big payoff spells.
Slimefoot, the Stowaway is great when you have time, but there were many situations where I was under too much pressure to really turn the tides to my favor.