MTG List: Eldritch Moon: Draft #3



Drafted RW. I've lost so many times to Fiend Binder, I decided to join it rather than fight it. First pick was Assembled Alphas which is incredibly good. Sadly, there were two other red drafters in a 7 person pod and so I didn't get much burn or any Brazen Wolves. I still like my deck and had a good time though, ended up going 2-1 in matches.

Match 1 Against RB (1-2)

Game 1 was very sad. I didn't draw a red source in about seven cards and lost with four great red cards in my hand. I did draw both of my colorless lands, so I was punished by not playing more basics.

Game 2 I was able to put Faith Unbroken on my Fiend Binder exiling Brazen Wolves for a big attack. The following turn I was able to use Malevolent Whispers to gain control of another Brazen Wolves to smash in for the quick win.

Game 3 had me facing down a very great start from my opponent with the worst creatures in my deck. I think had I just drew some slightly better creatures it might have gone my way. At least it was a closer game than the first one.

Match 2 Against WBU (2-0)

Game 1 I was able to just play creatures, remove blockers, and beat down. At one point my opponent lined up a triple block to kill my Insatiable Gorgers and I was able to give it first strike with Borrowed Hostility for a hug blowout.

Game 2 was more of the same. Fiend Binder is so dang good. I was able to transform Westvale Abbey  Flip the last turn, but had the game already locked up.

Match 3 Against Nolan's BW (2-0)

We were sad to play against each other during the event because we could have just played after. Both games went about as perfect as I could have hoped including me madnessing out EVERY Madness spell in my deck off my solo Madness outlet (Stern Constable) one of the games. I had very fortunate draws against him and was fortunate to not have to face down his more powerful cards.


I sadly never cast Hanweir Garrison  Meld and therefore never melded Hanweir Garrison  Meld with Hanweir Battlements  Meld. I've heard that the Garrison alone is pretty backbreaking. I was happy to draft them both though.


Faith Unbroken just ends games out of nowhere. Amazing card.

Fiend Binder makes it so that they always have one less blocker. Especially filthy when combined with Faith Unbroken and/or Sigardian Priest.