Third Prerelease ever. I built a BW control deck from my prerelease pool. Out of all the sealed/draft decks I've built this one was the coolest and probably the best. Not many of the cards are that flashy, but everything came together really nicely.
I ended up going 3-1 in matches with game results as 1-2, 1-0-1, 2-0, 2-0.
Match 1 (1-2) against RW aggro. Game 1 the opponent only had one land so I quickly won. The other games were a bit closer, but I ended up drawing about 10 lands very early each game. I also only drew about 1 removal spell each of the last games (there were 9 in my deck). I was playing against a very good and aggressive deck, however, I felt that I had a good chance but lost to variance. I got beat down by humans holding True-Faith Censer along with Voldaren Duelist.
Match 2 (1-0-1) against GB big stuff. I was playing against a new player who played very methodically and had to read every card that was cast the entire game. The resulting slow pace was the only reason that I didn't go 2-0 in this match. To be fair, the games were very grindy/stalled but they should not have taken as long as they did. Game 1 was looking bad for me with lots of huge green creatures on the other side, but I found Descend upon the Sinful just in time and was able to claw back for the win. My opponent dropped Morkrut Necropod after the wrath, but I was fortunately able to flip Avacynian Missionaries
Flip to clear the way for the win. Game two started with me holding Descend upon the Sinful in my opening hand I was able to maneuver the game such that once Descend hit I had no creatures in play and my opponent had about five. The reason that was possible was Sanitarium Skeleton. I love that card sooooooo much. My single copy of Skeleton definitely blocked more times then every other creature combined! However, the opponent was able to thereafter build up a huge army fairly quickly and I was down to single digit life. Late in the game I was able to fire off Behold the Beyond to grab Murder, Geist of the Lonely Vigil, and my all-star Drogskol Cavalry. We soon went into last five turns and I was able to gain back enough life and finish off most of my opponent's board. We ran out of time and it ended as I draw, but I had the opponent dead in the air in two more turns. The games were very fun and very crazy.
Match 3 (2-0) against RWB aggro. Game 1 the opponent stalled trying to find correct colors and I was able to collect enough removal to clear the way for my attackers. Game 2 was a Sanitarium Skeleton grindout. I was mana flooding pretty bad but I must have blocked about 6+ times in a row with the Skeleton and eventually found enough action to turn the corner. I went down to single digits and was facing down Thalia, Heretic Cathar, but once again found the MVP Drogskol Cavalry. Thalia made the spirits come into play tapped but the lifegain clause saved me. By that point I was puting 3 spirits into play per turn and closed the game in the air.
Match 4 (2-0) was against UB solid creatures + Startled Awake
Flip. This match played out about as good as I could have hoped. I finally drew into the crazy amounts of removal in my deck and was able to just cut down or lock down every creature. My opponent even had some good stuff like Docent of Perfection
Flip, Aberrant Researcher
Flip, and Vexing Scuttler. Game 1 I was able to Boon of Emrakul everything down and recur it with Ironclad Slayer. Game 2 I cast both Boon of Emrakul, all three Choking Restraints, Dead Weight, and Humble the Brute. It was a killer, but super fun game.
I really enjoyed playing with this deck and will probably keep it together to show down against other sealed decks. Possibly against some of my old ones from other formats.
Notable cards:
Geist of the Lonely Vigil was great early defense that can trade up with certain creatures.
Ironclad Slayer x2 was particularly good for me because I had six different aura removal spells. Would have played more Slayers if I had them.
Choking Restraints x3 was a big push into a controlling strategy. They were just incredible. Over the course of the matches I learned to hold these back for the really troublesome creatures that Boon of Emrakul couldn't handle. There were a few times where I passed the turn where I should have activated the exile clause. Emerge creatures (such as It of the Horrid Swarm) are a thing, and it is nice to prevent the cost reduction if possible. Not only that, but sacrificing them allows them to be grabbed by Ironclad Slayer.
Ghoulsteed was a great blocker and a great attacker. The recursion is very nice. Great card.
Boon of Emrakul was very nice. There isn't much it can't kill.
Murder amazing, but I didn't get to cast it often.
Sanitarium Skeleton I will forever sing its praises as I forever return it to my hand.
Behold the Beyond I loved this card. By the time you can cast it your hand is likely empty anyway, so it is just a triple Demonic TutorGC. So amazing. There were many turns where I was dying to draw it and a few games where I won with it in hand. I sure that with more games it will prove its worth even more.
Descend upon the Sinful was incredible. It can instantly (but at sorcery speed) stop you from losing and set up the win. Never was able to get the angel token though.
Drogskol Cavalry is insane. It does everything. It gives you life and it gives you creatures. The creatures even have flying! This card won me multiple games after I fell behind or was about to lose. This card in conjunction with Behold the Beyond made this control deck possible by providing a strong enough win condition once I came in control of the game.