MTG List: Hour of Devastation: Draft #4



I drafted GB and went 2-1 in matches. It was a lot of fun to play and I think it was decently powerful. Match 2 was pretty devastating, because I realized after the fact that I missed something that likely would have won me the match. Still had a good time. I was considering splashing blue, but decided that my manabase would not have been consistent enough. Here are the blue cards I was considering: Unquenchable Thirst, Essence Scatter, Ominous Sphinx, Consign / Oblivion, and Striped Riverwinder.

Pack 1 pick 1 was Bontu's Last Reckoning which felt pretty good. The pick made me want to go for a more controlling deck. Things were looking great with the next two picks both being Torment of Venom. The next few picks were not as focused, I was just trying to pick the most powerful cards and was seeing some blue stuff and some green stuff. Things were still sort of confusing for pack 2, but they eventually fell into place. I was able to pick up 3x Naga Vitalist, some of them pretty late and I ended up with 2x Bitterbow Sharpshooters which felt great. I still was sort of hedging blue since I figured that I could splash it if I was green. Pack 3 (AKH) was pretty good to me. I got Bontu the Glorified like 3rd pick which was cool, but I didn't end up playing it. I don't think I had enough expendable creatures to enable her in combat. I picked Crocodile of the Crossing, Shefet Monitor, and the feared/loathed Scaled Behemoth as well which REALLY juiced up my top end and gave some sweet payoffs for ramping. The third pack also gave me Naga Vitalist which was really important as well as Cartouche of Strength and Cartouche of Ambition.

MATCH 1 vs RW (2-1)

Game 1 did not go well for me. I kept a hand with Swamp and Desert of the Glorified as my only lands, but I felt justified because I had Bontu's Last Reckoning in hand which I could leverage to get me out of trouble. It ended up taking a couple of turns for find a land, thankfully a Forest, but by then it was too late. I finally used Bontu's Last Reckoning, but was already too behind. The fact that my lands were locked down really hurt because he just deployed two more creatures immediately after the wrath while I just sat there. I died soon after.

Game 2 was the dream start. I was on the play and was able to go turn 2 Naga Vitalist into a turn 3 Crocodile of the Crossing placing the counter on the Vitalist. I was able to smash in for 5 damage a few times and my removal helped close the game REALLY quickly.

Game 3 was an intense game. I was able to turn 3 Cartouche of Ambition on my Naga Vitalist, killing a Dauntless Aven and essentially blanking damage from Gust Walker because of the lifelinking attacks. That bought me more time and I was able to beat down with a 5/4 Crocodile of the Crossing for a bit, until it was killed. Eventually I was winning the damage race and had removed most of his creatures. Then my opponent cast Dusk / Dawn, which killed everything except my two Oasis Ritualists. I didn't mind that so much, but then my opponent cast Dusk / Dawn the next turn returning 5 creatures to his hand! Thankfully I had more removal as well as Bontu's Last Reckoning as a panic button. I kept up the pressure and my opponent was forced to repeatedly chump block over and over until I was finally able to deal the final damage.

MATCH 2 against BR (1-2)

Game 1 was somewhat one-sided. My opponent was stuck on lands and even though I didn't have much early pressure, I was able to land a couple of threats and end the game before she could recover.

Game 2 was painful, I made a couple of bad plays that probably cost me the game and subsequently the match. We had been chipping at each other's life totals for a while and she had a Khenra Scrapper and 2x Burning-Fist Minotaur. I might have been able to end the game earlier, but she kept back a Burning-Fist Minotaur a bunch of turns in a row with 2 open mana which meant I couldn't deploy my Crocodile of the Crossing in my hand. Even worse than that, she had Sunset Pyramid in play so she got to draw a lot of cards. Eventually she attacked with all three creatures. I had Scaled Behemoth, Oasis Ritualist, and Khenra Eternal in play. I was at a fairly low life total, so I opted to double block the Khenra Scrapper with Oasis Ritualist and Khenra Eternal which I think was a big mistake. I was only thinking of damage control and not about actually winning. You see, my opponent was at 11 life and I already had all those creatures in play AND a Crocodile of the Crossing in my hand. I maybe should have blocked a Burning-Fist Minotaur with Oasis Ritualist instead, to save some damage and to encourage my opponent to use up cards and mana to ensure the way was clear for a counter attack. A spell killed helped my opponent kill both of my blockers leaving me with just my Scaled Behemoth in play. Now I was 1 damage short of killing my opponent because I didn't have a spare creature to dump a -1/-1 counter on from Crocodile of the Crossing. Now came my next mistake; I had Bontu's Last Reckoning in hand, but ended up casting and attacking only with Crocodile of the Crossing. I should have just cracked my opponent with the Scaled Behemoth and then cast Bontu's Last Reckoning. I think that would have put me in a much better position, even if that may not have won me the game in the end. My opponent had a heartpiercer manticore in the graveyard and a decent amount of cards in hand, so I may not have been able to beat all that, but things would have been better for me. I ended up eventually losing my Scaled Behemoth, wrathing too late and losing.

Game 3 went poorly for me. I had a lot of powerful removal spells (Ambuscade, Cartouche of Ambition, Cartouche of Strength) that depended on having a creature in play, but only lame creatures to lost them on. My opponent played a turn 4 Torment of Scarabs and turn 5 hit me with a Magmaroth holding a Cartouche of Zeal. Needless to say, I didn't last long after a powerful start like that. My resources got really taxed and I wasn't able to best leverage the usually powerful cards that I had in hand.

MATCH 3 against UB cycling (2-1)

Game 1 I had a strong start (turn 3 Crocodile of the Crossing, but my opponent was able to cycle a bunch of cards and then use Abandoned Sarcophagus to great effect.

Game 2 my opponent got stuck on colors and I was able to close things out before they could turn things around.

Game 3 was closer and they were forced to cast Abandoned Sarcophagus before their graveyard was fully stocked. I was being aggressive with pretty lame attackers (like Naga Vitalist and was using my removal on every blocker. Eventually Crocodile of the Crossing of the top won it for me.


Bontu's Last Reckoning has quite a drawback that you need to be careful about. It's best paired with non-land mana generation and should be carefully leveraged to reach its full potential.

Scaled Behemoth is insane. Super huge and nearly impossible to deal with. Backbreaking if accelerated out.

Crocodile of the Crossing is great. I would have loved more of these. It can put your opponent on the back foot if they don't deal with it quickly.

Naga Vitalist is really great, it helps you dump huge creatures ahead of schedule.