MTG List: Hour of Devastation Prerelease Deck



I played RW and went 3-1. I had a lot of fun and thought the deck was decent, but not amazing. I felt like my removal suite was amazing, but my creatures were overall sub-par. I loved having 3x Desert of the True for late and early-game digging. My curve was too high for my liking with so many four-drop creatures, but I couldn't really do anything about that. Notable cards I opened, but did not play include: 2x As Fortold (this was very tempting, but I'm glad I did not go for it), River Hoopoe, Bontu's Last Reckoning, and Honored Hydra.

MATCH 1 against GB (2-0)

Game 1 was rough. There were two different times I was about to concede, but I'm glad I played the game out. It just goes to show that sometimes you need to give your opponents the opportunity to make mistakes. I was brick-walled very early on by an Obelisk Spider and eventually my opponent played the feared Scaled Behemoth. Things were looking very bleak, as my opponent chipped my life down lower and lower. However when I thought they would attack with all their creatures they only attacked with Scaled Behemoth. That gave me an extra turn and I drew an active Sand Strangler. I was able to tap and kill creatures and barely squeak in enough damage for the win.

Game 2 went more smoothly for me and my opponent got stuck on 3 lands. I was able to close out pretty quickly by attacking repeatedly with a Magmaroth and removing the -1/-1 counters when I cast removal on his blockers.

MATCH 2 against BW zombies (0-2)

Game 1 was sad, I kept a hand with two plains and proceeded to not draw any more lands despite some cycling. Eventually got overwhelmed by zombies.

Game 2 was also sad, I kept a hand with two mountains and proceed to not draw any plains for quite a few turns. I was able to hold on for a while, but could never accumulate more creatures than my opponent. Plus they were able to exile all my Eternalize cards. I was able to draw things out for a while, but then lost after some questionable attacks on my part.

MATCH 3 against GRw monsters (Tyler) (2-1)

Game 1 was crazy. We traded creatures and spells for a while and I finally was able to tap out and cast Granitic Titan when we both were at around 10 life. I felt pretty good about my chances from their with the removal and Eternalize cards that I had. Tyler then untapped his 5 power on board and cast Limits of Solidarity on my Granitic Titan for a lethal attack.

Game 2 was more in my favor. I was able to get some early aggressive attacks in and close out the game before his heavy hitters arrived.

Game 3 was the craziest game. It was a real slugfest, but Tyler had the advantage. He cast Sifter Wurm and scryed Samut, Voice of Dissent to the top. I was able to kill the Sifter Wurm by equipping Dagger of the Worthy to a Steadfast Sentinel and double blocking the wurm with the sentinel and another creature. I was able to kill Samut, Voice of Dissent by blocking it with my Granitic Titan. Once the dust had settled, neither of us had any creatures on board, or cards in hand. I was at 2 life and he was at around 15 or so life. He next considered casting Struggle / Survive from his graveyard, but decided not to. I was really glad about that because I was able to next Eternalize Steadfast Sentinel and cast Solitary Camel (lifelink active). Equipping the camel with Dagger of the Worthy gained me 5 life I was able to start beating down. Eventually I was able to push through enough damage for the win.

MATCH 4 against Grwb sandwurm control

Game 1 was somewhat close. I was able to get his life down while he was ramping via Manalith and Gift of Paradise, but he was gaining a lot of life from Gift of Paradise and (Ob-la-di Ob-la-da) Life Goes On. However, then got all my creatures destroyed by Bontu's Last Reckoning and I had to rebuild. Eventually he cast Sandwurm Convergence, which is a very tough card to beat. I fortunately had a Granitic Titan on board and was able to sneak some Menace damage through. Opponent now had many creatures on board, but I was able to Open Fire his life total for lethal.

Game 2 went better for me. I was able to remove blockers and get a lot of damage in by attacking with Earthshaker Khenra and Oketra's Avenger. Now I knew Sandwurm Convergence was coming down soon, so I was keeping track of my opponent's mana. My creatures got wiped by Hour of Devastation and the I rebuilt including a Granitic Titan. Once my opponent reached 8 mana I held up mana for Refuse / Cooperate and sure enough they cast Sandwurm Convergence and my Refuse / Cooperate cracked them for 8. I then used Act of Heroism to pump a Granitic Titan attack and the next turn attacked for lethal with some help from Vizier of the True.


Granitic Titan is really good. It has cycling, which helped me dig for lands early in some games, but it's such a great finisher, it's nice to try and save it.

Puncturing Blow is a great spell, but often best saved for your opponent's most powerful creatures.

Vizier of the True was very, very good. You could even benefit from it on your opponent's turn by exerting with things like Steward of Solidarity and Angel of Condemnation.

Magmaroth won a game for me the only time I cast it. My multiple removal spells pulled the -1/-1 counters off it while taking care of blockers. Good card.

I almost did not include Dagger of the Worthy in my deck, but I'm glad I did. This card turned out to be exactly what my deck needed. Most of my creatures are pretty mediocre attackers and Dagger of the Worthy made them better threats and chipped in some damage via afflict.

Refuse / Cooperate was nice in sealed, it helped give my deck reach and there are often some pretty juicy targets for it.

Angel of Condemnation seemed pretty good, but mine got removed immediately each time I cast it. Never got to exile anything.

Act of Heroism surprised me. It was a nice effect to have especially when you're exerting a lot. It does work on offense or defense (sets up surprise blocks) and was a great include.

Open Fire was great as expected. Damage to face was pretty important in this aggressive deck.

Earthshaker Khenra was very good. It hits hard early and is potentially game ending once you Eternalize it. Sometimes you want it to die so that you can Eternalize it. Would have loved more of these.

Sand Strangler was very nice. I fortunately was able to play 3 cycling deserts which made Sand Strangler a pseudo Flametongue Kavu. Would have loved to play many more of these.

Steadfast Sentinel was pretty medium. I like the late-game value of Eternalize. But a 2/3 Vigilance for four, is not aggressive enough for this deck.