Had an opportunity to do an original Innistrad draft. I've always heard about how amazing it was so I had to try it when the opportunity came up. Unfortunately, It's been a month or so since the draft so I can't remember all of the details, but I'll do my best.
The draft went decent and was salvaged near the end. I had a hard time committing to colors and was taking red cards way too late. I did end up with some great red cards: Kruin Outlaw
Flip, Instigator Gang
Flip, and Harvest Pyre, but probably should have picked up the signals better. I grabbed some amazing white cards really late in the draft that salvaged it for me. I wasn't completely impressed with the experience, I felt like many packs had almost no cards I was interested in such as non-impactful auras or lame creatures. I know this was just one draft, but it seemed like there were many weak packs being passed around.
MATCH 1 (2-0)
Match 1 game 1 I found myself facing the most dreaded opening in this format: Turn 2 Invisible Stalker, Turn 3 cast and equip Silver-Inlaid Dagger attack for 4 hexproof unblockable. This is typically nigh-unbeatable, but I managed to barely survive and cast one of the few answers to such an assault in the format: Curse of Death's Hold which killed all his creatures, and I managed to pull off the win shortly after. I won the next game as well to take the match.
MATCH 2 vs R/U Monsters (1-2)
This was a very disappointing match especially because I can pin the match loss on one pivotal moment. My opponent's plan was to beat down with werewolves and transformed Civilized Scholar
Flips. There was one game where I had a Unruly Mob and I attacked into two Civilized Scholar
Flips in the early turns. I think I tend to lean too aggressive at times and regretted that attack instantly, because that lame Unruly Mob was holding off two Homicidal Brute
Flips. Chipping in that one point of damage was not worth getting smacked for by the Homicidal Brute
Flips the next few turns. Loosing so much life early on prevented me from stabilizing later in that game and I lost. I really think that I squandered my chance to win the match with that one misplay. Game 3 was also rough because some werewolves got flipped on me early on because I was short on mana. I had removal stranded in hand that could have saved me, but the lands came just one or two turns late.
MATCH 3 against Tyler on U/R (2-1)
This was a close match where Tyler's flyers took me down one game, and another game I was able to Dead Weight his turn 1 Delver of Secrets
Flip and he didn't have much to follow up and I took over. I remember the games were close and one game he was very close to beating me with a Balefire Dragon, but I had blockers and enough attackers to win shortly after.
Avacynian Priest x2 very great creature, stops their best threats and can help you punch damage through.
Silver-Inlaid Dagger is very powerful. It turns your lame creatures into real threats and can creature overwhelming pressure for your opponent.
Champion of the Parish is capable of the most busted starts when you follow it up with a couple more humans.
Curse of Death's Hold wrecks so many decks. Very powerful card which saved me from an unwinnable situation.
Sever the Bloodline amazing removal AND it has Flashback.
Dead Weight is just great. Loved it in SOI drafts.
Brain Weevil seemed pretty lame. It's too dang small even with evasion and it's otherwise a 4 mana Mind Rot when you activate it. Should have put in something else.