MTG List: Shadows Over Innistrad: Draft #4



I drafted a GB delirium deck in a 6-person pod. I ended up going 0-2, 1-2, and 2-0 in games, but my first opponent had to suddenly leave and kindly conceded the match. So I went 2-1 for prizes but actually only 1-2.

It was very weird drafting with 6 people, You get to see cards so often. It is possible to wheel a card on the third time around. I feel pretty good about the deck I ended up with. I wish I could have had maybe one large finisher like Morkrut Necropod or Kessig Dire Swine.

There were some crazy decks built in the pod. One person built a zombie deck with Prized Amalgam and 2 Relentless Dead! Another person had Nahiri, the Harbinger and Sigarda, Heron's Grace!

Match 1 (0-2) was against RGu werewolves. It felt competitive both games, but the opponent played an early Howlpack Resurgence both games which was hard to beat. I had some pretty bad misplays/oversights including not realizing that Gloomwidow and Howlpack Wolf couldn't block any of my ground-bound creatures. There's a chance I might have been able to win game 1 had I realized the blocking situation earlier.

Match 2 (1-2) was against UR Rise from the Tides including Startled Awake. It came pretty close each time, but I was not quite aggressive enough to capitalize on the lack of blockers. After game 1 I sided out Murderous Compulsion and Sinister Concoction for Twins of Maurer Estate and Root Out (against Sleep Paralysis).

Match 3 (2-0) was against RGw (white for Nahiri, the Harbinger and Sigarda, Heron's Grace. This was the craziest match. I mulliganed to six game 1 and kept five lands and Might Beyond Reason. Yeah... I also scryed Sanitarium Skeleton to the top. I had bad mulligan luck the previous round and decided that I just needed to draw spells. Well Sanitarium Skeleton just kept chump blocking, and chump blocking, and chump blocking until I finally was able to stabilize. I eventually drew into some creatures and ended up winning. The opponent ran out of gas right when I started turning the corner. It was so crazy, I did not expect to win that game. Sanitarium Skeleton is so great. Game 2 went about as perfect as I could have hoped. Turn 1 Sinister Concoction, turn 2 Call the Bloodline, turn 3 Tooth Collector killing a Bloodmad Vampire with a Sanitarium Skeleton and two Crow of Dark Tidings in hand. I eventually found my favorite card in the set Accursed Witch  Flip and was able to transform it and win with the curse and crows. I admit I was very fortunate to not have to face Nahiri, the Harbinger or Sigarda, Heron's Grace either game.

After not doing so well the first two matches, it felt good to take that last match.

I had a very hard time getting delirium online most games so my delirium cards were sort of underwhelming. For the second draft in a row, Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip was not that special. I can see how it could be good, it just never was that great for me. Maybe it shines better in GR or GW. Elusive Tormentor  Flip was decent, but the whole transforming thing never came up.