This was a SOI/SOI/SOI Flashback draft offered at the store. I had a ton of fun and went 3-0 in matches, 6-0 in games with GB (splashing white for Sorin, Grim Nemesis).
I'm really happy with how the deck turned out, and I managed to pull some sweet cards. From talking to some of the other people in my pod I realized that I had drafted this set (this was my fifth time) more than everyone else combined. So that definitely was an advantage in my favor. Pack 1 pick 1 was Sorin, Grim Nemesis (a card that I was wanting for a commander deck!) who is just insane. I was pretty happy about that. I unfortunately had to pass an Accursed Witch
Flip which is one of my favorite cards from the set. The witch would have likely been my first pick with something besides Sorin in my rare slot. Second pick was Duskwatch Recruiter
Flip another one of my favorite cards in the set. Third pick was Graf Mole which was is a really great card. From there I mostly grabbed green cards and was off to a really great start. The mana fixing is not great in this set, the main way to get beyond 3+ colors in your deck is to go green, so I was fairly certain I could get enough fixing to play Sorin no matter what my second color was. The notable thing about pack 1 was that the Accursed Witch
Flip came back! I couldn't believe it. I don't think people knew how great that card was. That was a great sign that black was open. I don't remember packs 2 and 3 distinctly, but I was firmly in green, largely in black, but I did pick up some great blue cards like Ongoing Investigation in an attempt to stay open. I grabbed a couple werewolves and got Rabid Bite, 2x Murderous Compulsion, and 2x Throttle, so my removal package was VERY great. To splash Sorin, I picked up: Forsaken Sanctuary, Warped Landscape, and Wild-Field Scarecrow which was about perfect. My creature curve was pretty low with very efficient threats, but I also had grindy cards like Call the Bloodline, Duskwatch Recruiter
Flip, Sorin, Grim Nemesis, and Delirium cards to dominate the late-game. I had such a wealth of cards that I didn't even play Ulvenwald Mysteries which was maybe a mistake now that I think about it. A late pick that I nearly did not make was Vessel of Nascency. That card is so dang good. It pretty much is instant-speed Delirium because it sends an enchantment and 3 other cards to the graveyard. Not to mention the nice selection it gives you OR the pseudo card advantage it gives you when you drop things like Ghoulcaller's Accomplice in the yard.
Game 1 was just filthy. I traded off Duskwatch Recruiter
Flip for Moorland Drifter right away. And I followed up with things like Byway Courier, Briarbridge Patrol, and Accursed Witch
Flip. I was able to remove some blockers and flip the witch into Infectious Curse
Flip. I Throttled his Gatstaf Arsonists
Flip and attacked and drained for the win.
Game 2 was even more lopsided. My opponent was starved on lands and I flipped Lambholt Pacifist
Flip on my turn 3 upkeep. I beat him down a lot and by the time he was pulling lands, he was dead.
MATCH 2 vs GRub
Game 1 was very lopsided. My opponent pretty much only played a Autumnal Gloom
Flip (no Delirium) while I beat down with Timber Shredder
Flip into Byway Courier into Intrepid Provisioner. I won by turn 5 I think.
Game 2 was closer. My lambholt pascifist died to Fiery Temper, but I was able to smash in with Byway Courier boosted by Intrepid Provisioner. My opponent was able to deploy some blockers and destroy a land with Magmatic Chasm until they cast Kessig Dire Swine. I was able to go wide enough that I was able to keep send a few attackers in, but I was running out of creatures. Soon my opponent followed up with Thornhide Wolves and was able to start smashing me with Kessig Dire Swine. Thankfully I was able to Murderous Compulsion the swine and cast Soul Swallower with Delirium online. Soul Swallower outgrew the Thornhide Wolves the following turn and I won the game shortly after.
MATCH 3 against RW
Game 1 was lopsided. I had another aggressive start and was able to kill off Stern Constable with Tooth Collector before it could bother me. My opponent cast Vessel of Ephemera and Vessel of Volatility, but died before they could be used.
Game 2 was the best game of night. I did not start aggressively for once, but liked my keep of 2x Throttle, Ghoulcaller's Accomplice and 4 lands of my colors. I trusted the late-game power of my deck and did not feel like I'd be too pressured by my opponent. Things developed and my opponent was beating me down with Spirits tokens generated by Vessel of Ephemera and Apothecary Geist. I killed the Geist then eventually cast Sorin, Grim Nemesis on turn 6 and plussed him the next couple of turns. My opponent opted to keep sending the spirits at me instead of Sorin and was now up to 4 spirit tokens. However, I had Call the Bloodline and was generating lifelink vampires. The life they were gaining me helped me cancel out the hits from the spirits. Soon all-start Tooth Collector came down with active Delirium and started root-canaling the spirits away. I also used Sorin to kill off a spirit token. However, by this point my opponent had a Paranoid Parish-Blade (active Delirium) which was killing off my attackers and often stopped any attacks from me. I cashed in Wild-Field Scarecrow for land to turn into vampires with Call the Bloodline. I kept gaining life and my opponent kept making more spirits while neglecting Sorin. My opponent then dropped Nahiri, the Harbinger, used the +2. I fortunately had enough loyalty counters on Sorin, Grim Nemesis to -6 to kill off Nahiri and gain even more life. It's not too often you get planeswalker fights in limited! The following turn Sorin bit the dust courtesy of a spirit token attack. Now we both we almost out of cards. My opponent cast Sin Prodder, I killed it with Throttle. I was trying to make enough vampire tokens to keep gaining life off the attacks and replace the ones killed by the Paranoid Parish-Blade. By my opponent undid the hard work I did on their life total with Chaplain's Blessing and then cast Flameblade Angel, which is a really powerful card. By now Tooth Collector had killed off all the spirit tokens and Paranoid Parish-Blade kept my vampire token count down, despite the +1/+1 counters from Obsessive Skinner. Now I was in trouble as the angel started attacking me, it's ability makes me die anytime I do anything to him or his stuff. Finally I was able to end the madness with Soul Swallower, after it grew a few times. Great, great battle.
Sorin, Grim Nemesis, great powerful card. Sad I only cast it once. It gets you cards and/or kills their stuff. Exactly you want.
Accursed Witch
Flip is still amazing. Attacks for a ton of damage if unchecked, and if killed off, starts draining your opponent away. Love this card.
2x Murderous Compulsion is so amazing. It's great on it's own at taking down nasty things, but generates nice value when you Madness it off of Call the Bloodline.
2x Graf Mole was great for me even though I was not heavily into making clue tokens. It looks like a blocker, but it's actually a great attacker because it comes down so early and is tough to kill early on via combat.
Call the Bloodline is a great discard outlet and gets even better in the lategame when it turns your dead cards into lifelinkers.
Byway Courier is a great threat. It attacks fearlessly because you always get value from the clue token it provides upon death.
Hinterland Logger
Flip is insane. Can often attack for 4 on turn 3 and really punishes slow starts from opponents.
Duskwatch Recruiter
Flip is amazing. It's best to use it aggressively, until there is any signs of the game slowing down. At that point, just go crazy activating it to get more and more creatures. It might even flip to help you cast them.
Tooth Collector would be an amazing card even without the Delirium ability. Once you turn that on things start going your way really quickly. Also is a great attacker.
Soul Swallower is a nice finisher. You just need to let it grow at least once and it will win the game for you.
Intrepid Provisioner is surprisingly good. I had plenty of humans, so I always had a target for it and it helps smash a lot of damage through, really fast. 3/3 trample is great and you can do cool things like pump up Lambholt Pacifist
Flip so it can attack.
And lastly, my dear friend Sanitarium Skeleton. I never even saw it during any of these games, but it is the ultimate grindy card. It can block forever for you and can be endless discard fodder for stuff like Call the Bloodline.