Mono-colored Decks:
deck:band-aid-4: How to draw cards in Mono-white, no really you can draw cards in white, sort of.
deck:go-team-spirit: Mono white tokens that once was spirit tribal (don't think sprits are viable in pauper) it's sort-of soul sisters tokens without the sisters.
No Glove, No Love ;):Mono white protection + Condom reference=winning. Be a HERO!
Meow Mix: CMC 1.30: Mono White artifact voltron. Do not pet these cats.
Angels Exalted Angel's tribal in Pauper? Yup! Originally intended as a training deck for my kid...but now I PLAY's really good! This is sort-of a primer for Angel Tribal in Pauper, plus lots of Angel themed cards.
The Unstable Paradox Project My first ever mono-blue deck...can you solve this paradox?
A Bigger, Blacker D*ck: Mono Black Zombies plus a Cards Against Humanity reference. This deck requires math skills, not kidding.
It's Madness in our house Faithless Looting plus madness triggers? Awesome all the obscure British band reference.
Clifford, The Big Red Atog: Mono Red plus artifacts. Not a fan of mono red...but I love Atog and Scrapyard Mongrel gave me a reason to build this. One of my earliest pauper builds.
Look at my knotty wood: Mono-green defenders and ramp into big dumb trample trees. This is a spike deck easily capable of a one swing win...Ramp+Trample=Tromple? (RoboRosewater might disagree)
deck:el-fudge: Elves. Ugh. Elves are so annoying that I gave this deck away (i'm not kidding)...LunaCelt pilots it well!
Dual-color decks:
deck:larry-flippin-birdemic: Tribal Azorious birds with three references in it's title.
Momentary Lapse of Reason: Azorius blinky-flicky etb abuse. Does this deck work? YUP! Are your sure? Nope!
Suck My Kiss: Orzhov Lifegain and extort. A 7/7 Flyer for 3 mana? YUP! Click to find out how! Also, this deck has a theme song written by:Gattison.
deck:pauper-dont-preach-2: Orzhov cleric Tribal (Cleric Tribal NFW!). Madonna reference. It's annoying to play against. It has a theme song by Gattison, it's epic(the song that is).
deck:salt-mine-prison-escape: Dimir salt filled hate-trol. My most up-voted Pauper deck...why? SO.MUCH.SALT.
deck:i-am-not-the-dread-pirate-roberts: Demir Aggro/control using cards mostly from Ixilan. Obscure movie reference? Inconcievable!.
Aqua-Madness:Izzet tempo build featuring madness/discard and a nice mix of aggro/control
Ba-Rakdos-Bama Rackdos goblins. They die, a lot. This deck is 1st ever pauper deck...still in use.
Live Fast, Die Young: Rackdos energy with lots of artifacts...Kaladesh block heavily featured. This deck is getting better.
Wicked West Witches Winkies: Golgari sac-combo featuring this Witch...she's a real a-hole. Say this deck name 4 times fast or don't.
Lurdurhynchosauropteryx: Jurassic Pork: Boros Dino's using mostly cards from Ixilan. Surprisingly fast and brutal...for only $6.
deck:solja-boyz: Boros soldiers with a little white based control to annoy your opponent to death.
deck:attune-with-burnergy The 2nd in my "Attune" cycle. Yeah I love Energy(It's FREE!) and Im gonna abuse it if I can! This deck pings you to death in all kinds of fun ways!
deck:tyler-durdens-beasts-of-durden Gruul aggro featuring some exert and...vitalize!
Jackie Treehorn's Logjammin' Land and creature sacrifice experiment. So far, it's fun to play. The Dude would be proud.
They Deftly Maneuver and Muscle for Rank Going the distance with Provoke and Provoke plus some Exert from Amonkhet just for fun.
deck:phantom-forces: Selesnya counters and damage prevention. It's an Iconic disaster.
At-t-tune with T-T-Tokens More free ...More Servo's!
Attune with the Ban Hammer! (Pau-liferate) My response to recent by Standard Gruul Pummeler...hello Pauper Proliferate!
deck:led-zeppelid Oh look another band reference. Aura Hex Proof...tough for opponents to deal with for sure.
Three Color Decks:
deck:the-gods-made-heavy-metal: Esper artifact tricks: Because Phyrexian Walker is the best card ever.
deck:eye-d-bug:Janky Delver build. It's does stuff. Does it win? sometimes.
deck:the-noble-squirrel-warden: Abzan Soul Sisters-ish/Aristocrats-ish. AND squirrel snacks.