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gacde's Binder

If you see anything, just let me know. :)



Serra Avenger

Painful Quandary

Baneful Omen

Arachnus Spinner

Dimir Cluestone

Krasis Incubation

Hunt the Weak

Wear/ Tear

Tithe Drinker


Colossal Whale

Skarrg Goliath

NOTE: Venser and Koth are both Foil Duel deck versions, as well as the cards in the Vesner/ Koth Duel deck.

I.E Bloodfire Colossus

Galepowder Mage

I will be using prices from Star City, or Magic TCG.

Cards on my want list take highest priority, but I will trade for anything else.

My email is [email protected]

I live in Canada, so if that is a factor, sorry.