I started playing MTG right around the time of the release of Avacyn Restored, introduced to it by my friend, frozr2. Since then I have gotten more and more into it and I'm now frequenting FNMs both in Cambrige, Ontario where I live and in Hamilton, Ontario where I go to school. Now that I am having more success at FNM I am hoping to find the time and money to play a bigger tournament if possible. I always like to see suggestions on my decks because that's really what I feel this site is for, if I just want to playtest I'll use Cockatrice. I am also quite into many sports, specifically tennis and hockey, and a huge fan of Prog Rock, especially Jethro Tull, Genesis, Rush, and Pink Floyd to name a few. I am always looking for new bands to find so if anyone has similar tastes give me some suggestions and I'll look them up.

I am White/Green
I am White/Green
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

I am both orderly and instinctive. I value community and group identity, defining myself by the social group I am a part of. At best, I'm selfless and strong-willed; at worst, I'm unoriginal and mindless.

Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.

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MTG Decks

Sarkhan Control

Standard* hollandboys


The stars

Block Constructed* hollandboys


I like Advantage

Block Constructed* hollandboys



Modern hollandboys

SCORE: 160 | 329 COMMENTS | 48031 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS Top 8: 07/12

What a Waste

Modern hollandboys


We the People

Standard* hollandboys


Finished Decks 19
Prototype Decks 9
Drafts 0
Playing since Avacyn Restored
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 80.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Commander / EDH, Pre-release
Venues Forbes Hobbies
Joined 12 years