I am a rare case in that I fit almost all three MTG player profiles. I love winning, but I love winning big with fun combos. I am the guy who will scry and see one of the fun win-cons in his deck and, even if he could win that turn, prolong the game just to play it (I actually have a couple of times). I also love discovering fun interactions between cards, and winning BIG, but just a normal win is okay. The inner Johnny in me loves EDH because of the possibility of summoning your main combo piece at almost any moment. The Timmy in me loves control because of it's possibility to completely shut down my opponent until I get a big beater, and I like Limited format because it's a chance to play on a relatively even playing field where there aren't many copies of the game-ending cards that Pro's use so often, making the game kind of unfair and cost over $10.

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MTG Decks

Power of One

Standard* hound829


Finished Decks 36
Prototype Decks 15
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH, Limited, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 38 / 38
Joined 10 years