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Said on Best color for …...


Cards like Zulaport Cutthroat are a type of burn ideal for Stax, but it really depends on which resource you're denying. I'm really fond of Black Vise plus land destruction.

February 17, 2025 1:07 p.m.

Said on Best color for …...


Oh, I forgot: Propaganda and cards like it are your friends.

February 9, 2025 11:39 a.m.

Said on Best color for …...


What you're looking for is a Stax deck. Basically it uses cards to disable conventional paths to victory (I'm fond of Winter Orb and Meekstone in this way.) while using things like Black Vise or Zulaport Cutthroat to slowly chip away at an opponent's life total.

Stax decks come in all colors, since a lot of the pieces are artifacts, but you're usually looking for or for the lockdown effects, for forced sac effects, and possibly for direct damage or to make sure the controllish aspects of the deck don't apply to you.

February 9, 2025 11:37 a.m.

Said on How do you …...


A lot of the thing with split costs, as you call them, is how often you plan to use them. Take Tower of Fortunes, please. (Sorry.) You're likely to use it once, but if you have the mana, you might swing at using it twice or even three times. (That is, if you have the mana.) But doing so ties up your mana. All in all, the fact that you're paying for every use is what makes it a bad card, and what restricts it to decks featuring green (but not blue or black, both of which have better ways to draw four cards; green does too, but it depends on your board state with green).

February 2, 2025 2:17 p.m.

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