Hey- I'm still kinda new to magic, but I love it a lot! Working on a couple decks at the moment, like a deathtouch deck built to wipe the opponents battlefield clean and a variant of soul sisters that's lifegain heavy.

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MTG Decks

Well Oiled Tron

Modern* jadtabbara

SCORE: 1 | 372 VIEWS

G/B Deathtouch Removal

Unknown* jadtabbara

SCORE: 1 | 1088 VIEWS

Monowhite Lifegain

Unknown jadtabbara

SCORE: 1 | 105 VIEWS

Boros Burn

Standard* jadtabbara


Infect Yo

Modern* jadtabbara


Finished Decks 21
Prototype Decks 11
Drafts 0
Playing since Theros
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Casual
Joined 10 years