MTG List: Sale
Creature (659)
- 1x Abbot of Keral Keep
- 1x Abzan Battle Priest
- 2x Abzan Beastmaster
- 2x Abzan Guide
- 1x Acid-Spewer Dragon
- 1x Ainok Bond-Kin
- 1x Ainok Guide
- 2x Ainok Survivalist
- 2x Akoum Stonewaker
- 1x Akroan Sergeant
- 1x Alabaster Kirin
- 1x Alesha's Vanguard
- 2x Alpine Grizzly
- 1x Ambush Krotiq
- 1x Ampryn Tactician
- 1x Ancestral Statue
- 2x Ancient Carp
- 1x Angel of Renewal
- 1x Aquastrand Spider
- 1x Arashin Cleric
- 2x Archers of Qarsi
Ashenmoor Gouger
- 2x Atarka Efreet
- 1x Avacynian Missionaries Flip
- 1x Aven Battle Priest
- 1x Aven Skirmisher
- 1x Aven Sunstriker
- 1x Aven Tactician
- 1x Bane of Bala Ged
- 1x Barrage Tyrant
- 1x Battlefront Krushok
- 4x Belligerent Whiptail
- 1x Bellows Lizard
- 1x Belltoll Dragon
- 6x Benthic Infiltrator
- 1x Blazing Hellhound
- 1x Blight Herder
- 1x Blightcaster
- 1x Blinding Souleater
- 5x Blisterpod
- 1x Blood Ogre
- 1x Bloodbond Vampire
- 1x Bloodfire Expert
- 1x Bloodshot Trainee
- 1x Bonded Construct
- 2x Bounding Krasis
- 1x Breaker of Armies
- 1x Brood Butcher
- 1x Brood Monitor
- 4x Broodhunter Wurm
- 1x Byway Courier
- 2x Canyon Lurkers
- 2x Carrier Thrall
- 1x Catacomb Sifter
- 1x Catacomb Slug
- 2x Cathodion
- 1x Caustic Caterpillar
- 1x Charging Griffin
- 2x Chasm Guide
- 1x Chief of the Scale
- 3x Cleric of the Forward Order
- 5x Cliffside Lookout
- 4x Cloud Manta
- 2x Colossodon Yearling
- 1x Conclave Naturalists
- 1x Conclave Phalanx
- 2x Consul's Lieutenant
- 1x Convicted Killer Flip
- 5x Coralhelm Guide
- 4x Courier Griffin
- 1x Court Homunculus
- 3x Cryptic Cruiser
- 6x Culling Drone
- 1x Cult of the Waxing Moon
- 1x Cunning Breezedancer
- 1x Custodian of the Trove
- 1x Daggerclaw Imp
- 2x Dauntless Cathar
- 1x Dazzling Ramparts
- 1x Deathless Behemoth
- 1x Deep-Sea Terror
- 1x Defiant Bloodlord
- 2x Desolation Twin
- 1x Devilthorn Fox
- 3x Dirgur Nemesis
- 1x Disowned Ancestor
- 5x Dominator Drone
- 1x Dragon Bell Monk
- 1x Dragon's Eye Savants
- 2x Dragon's Eye Sentry
- 2x Drana's Emissary
- 1x Dromoka Dunecaster
- 1x Dromoka Warrior
- 1x Duskwatch Recruiter Flip
- 2x Dust Stalker
- 1x Dutiful Attendant
- 1x Efreet Weaponmaster
- 5x Eldrazi Devastator
- 4x Eldrazi Skyspawner
- 1x Emeria Shepherd
- 1x Enlightened Ascetic
- 1x Etched Monstrosity
- 2x Expedition Envoy
- 1x Eyeblight Assassin
- 3x Eyeless Watcher
- 1x Faerie Miscreant
- 3x Felidar Cub
- 2x Felidar Sovereign
- 2x Fetid Imp
- 1x Firefiend Elemental
- 1x Firehoof Cavalry
- 1x Firemantle Mage
- 1x Flamerush Rider
- 2x Fleshbag Marauder
- 4x Fortified Rampart
- 3x Foundry Street Denizen
- 1x Frogmite
- 2x Frontier Mastodon
- 1x Geier Reach Bandit Flip
- 1x Generator Servant
- 3x Geyserfield Stalker
- 3x Ghirapur Gearcrafter
- 1x Ghostly Changeling
- 4x Ghostly Sentinel
- 4x Giant Mantis
- 1x Gilt-Leaf Winnower
- 1x Glacial Stalker
- 2x Glade Watcher
- 1x Gnarlroot Trapper
- 1x Goblin Fireslinger
- 1x Goblin Glory Chaser
- 1x Goblin Heelcutter
- 1x Gore Swine
- 1x Great-Horn Krushok
- 2x Grove Rumbler
- 1x Guardian of Tazeem
- 2x Guardians of Meletis
- 1x Gurmag Angler
- 1x Gurmag Drowner
- 1x Gust-Skimmer
- 1x Guul Draz Overseer
- 2x Hagra Sharpshooter
- 4x Halimar Tidecaller
- 1x Hand of Silumgar
- 1x Hardened Berserker
- 1x Heavy Infantry
- 3x Helium Squirter
- 1x Herdchaser Dragon
- 1x Hero of Goma Fada
- 1x Hewed Stone Retainers
- 2x Highland Game
- 2x Hinterland Logger Flip
- 1x Hitchclaw Recluse
- 1x Hooting Mandrills
- 1x Icefeather Aven
- 1x Incandescent Soulstoke
- 3x Incubator Drone
- 2x Inner-Flame Igniter
- 1x Iroas's Champion
- 2x Jaddi Offshoot
- 1x Jeskai Sage
- 1x Jeskai Windscout
- 4x Kalastria Healer
- 5x Kalastria Nightwatch
- 2x Kami of Ancient Law
- 1x Kavu Primarch
- 1x Kheru Bloodsucker
- 1x Kheru Dreadmaw
- 1x Kin-Tree Warden
- 2x Kitesail Scout
- 1x Knight of the Pilgrim's Road
- 1x Kolaghan Skirmisher
- 2x Kolaghan Stormsinger
- 2x Kor Bladewhirl
- 5x Kor Castigator
- 1x Kor Entanglers
- 4x Kozilek's Channeler
- 1x Kozilek's Predator
- 3x Kozilek's Sentinel
- 2x Krumar Bond-Kin
- 1x Lambholt Pacifist Flip
- 4x Lavastep Raider
- 1x Leaf Gilder
- 1x Leaping Master
- 5x Lifespring Druid
- 2x Lightning Shrieker
- 1x Llanowar Empath
- 1x Longshot Squad
- 1x Lorescale Coatl
- 1x Lotus-Eye Mystics
- 1x Mage-Ring Bully
- 4x Makindi Patrol
- 5x Makindi Sliderunner
- 2x Malakir Familiar
- 1x Mardu Hateblade
- 1x Mardu Shadowspear
- 1x Mardu Warshrieker
- 1x Mardu Woe-Reaper
- 1x Maritime Guard
- 1x Marsh Hulk
- 1x Matca Rioters
- 4x Mind Raker
- 3x Mist Intruder
- 1x Misthoof Kirin
- 1x Moldgraf Scavenger
- 1x Monastery Flock
- 2x Monastery Swiftspear
- 1x Munda, Ambush Leader
- 1x Murasa Ranger
- 4x Murk Strider
- 3x Nantuko Husk
- 1x Nearheath Chaplain
- 1x Nephalia Moondrakes
- 1x Nest Invader
Nest Invader
- 3x Nettle Drone
- 6x Nirkana Assassin
- 1x Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper
- 1x Obsessive Skinner
- 1x Ojutai Interceptor
- 4x Ondu Champion
- 3x Ondu Greathorn
- 5x Oracle of Dust
- 5x Oran-Rief Invoker
- 1x Orator of Ojutai
- 1x Orchard Spirit
- 1x Palace Familiar
- 2x Patron of the Valiant
- 1x Pharika's Disciple
- 1x Pilgrim's Eye
- 2x Pine Walker
- 1x Pious Evangel Flip
- 1x Plagued Rusalka
- 1x Possessed Skaab
- 1x Qal Sisma Behemoth
- 1x Qarsi Deceiver
- 1x Qarsi High Priest
- 2x Qarsi Sadist
- 1x Quilled Wolf
- 1x Qumulox
- 1x Rakshasa Gravecaller
- 1x Reaper of Flight Moonsilver
- 6x Reckless Cohort
- 1x Reckless Imp
- 2x Resolute Blademaster
- 2x Returned Centaur
- 2x Ringwarden Owl
- 1x Root-Kin Ally
- 2x Rot Shambler
- 1x Rotting Mastodon
- 3x Ruin Processor
- 1x Ruination Guide
- 1x Runed Servitor
- 1x Ruthless Deathfang
- 1x Ruthless Ripper
- 2x Sabertooth Outrider
- 1x Salt Road Ambushers
- 1x Salt Road Patrol
- 1x Salt Road Quartermasters
- 4x Salvage Drone
- 2x Sandcrafter Mage
- 1x Sandstorm Charger
- 1x Scion of Glaciers
Scion of the Wild
- 3x Screeching Skaab
- 2x Scuttling Death
- 2x Scythe Leopard
- 2x Seeker of the Way
- 1x Separatist Voidmage
- 2x Serene Steward
- 5x Shadow Glider
- 1x Shambling Attendants
- 1x Shambling Ghoul
- 2x Shambling Goblin
- 4x Shatterskull Recruit
- 1x Shieldhide Dragon
- 2x Sibsig Host
- 1x Sibsig Muckdraggers
- 5x Silent Skimmer
- 1x Silumgar Sorcerer
- 1x Silumgar Spell-Eater
- 1x Simic Initiate
- 1x Skaab Goliath
- 3x Skitterskin
- 1x Skyhunter Skirmisher
- 1x Skyreach Manta
- 1x Skyrider Elf
- 4x Sludge Crawler
- 3x Smokebraider
- 1x Smothering Abomination
- 4x Snapping Gnarlid
- 1x Snowhorn Rider
- 1x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 1x Spitebellows
- 2x Sprinting Warbrute
- 1x Stalwart Aven
- 2x Stampeding Elk Herd
- 6x Stone Haven Medic
- 1x Student of Ojutai
- 2x Subterranean Scout
- 1x Sultai Emissary
- 1x Sultai Skullkeeper
- 1x Sultai Soothsayer
- 7x Summit Prowler
- 5x Tajuru Beastmaster
- 5x Tajuru Stalwart
- 1x Tajuru Warcaller
- 1x Temur Charger
- 4x Territorial Baloth
- 1x Territorial Roc
- 1x Thief of Hope
- 1x Thopter Engineer
- 1x Thornbow Archer
- 1x Thrummingbird
- 1x Thunderclap Wyvern
- 2x Tide Drifter
- 2x Timberpack Wolf
- 2x Timely Hordemate
- 1x Topan Freeblade
- 1x Tukatongue Thallid
- 2x Tunneling Geopede
- 1x Tusked Colossodon
- 1x Tuskguard Captain
- 2x Typhoid Rats
- 3x Ulamog's Despoiler
- 2x Ulamog's Reclaimer
- 1x Ulrich's Kindred
- 1x Undead Servant
- 1x Undercity Troll
- 1x Uninvited Geist Flip
- 1x Unyielding Krumar
- 1x Updraft Elemental
- 6x Valakut Invoker
- 4x Valakut Predator
- 1x Valeron Wardens
- 1x Valley Dasher
- 2x Vastwood Gorger
- 3x Vestige of Emrakul
- 1x Veteran Cathar
- 3x Vile Aggregate
- 5x Void Attendant
- 1x Volcanic Rambler
- 5x Voracious Null
- 2x Vulturous Aven
- 1x Wandering Tombshell
- 1x War Behemoth
- 1x War Oracle
- 1x Warbringer
- 1x Wasteland Strangler
- 1x Watcher in the Web
- 1x Watcher of the Roost
- 1x Watercourser
- 5x Wave-Wing Elemental
- 1x Waxmane Baku
- 2x Wetland Sambar
- 1x Whisperer of the Wilds
- 2x Windrider Patrol
- 1x Woolly Loxodon
- 3x Yeva's Forcemage
- 1x Yoked Ox
- 1x Youthful Scholar
- 1x Zendikar Incarnate
- 4x Zephyr Scribe
- 2x Zulaport Cutthroat
Instant (225)
- 2x Abzan Advantage
- 1x Adverse Conditions
- 2x Aim High
- 4x Altar's Reap
- 3x Anticipate
- 2x Artificer's Epiphany
- 1x Awaken the Bear
- 2x Blades of Velis Vel
- 2x Bone to Ash
- 1x Bring Low
- 2x Butcher's Glee
- 1x Calculated Dismissal
- 1x Cancel
- 2x Celestial Flare
- 1x Clip Wings
- 1x Collateral Damage
- 5x Complete Disregard
- 1x Confront the Unknown
- 1x Contradict
- 2x Cunning Strike
- 1x Dark Dabbling
- 2x Defiant Strike
- 1x Dispatch
- 5x Dispel
- 1x Disperse
- 1x Douse in Gloom
- 1x Dromoka's Gift
- 3x Encircling Fissure
- 1x Enhanced Awareness
- 1x Essence Backlash
- 1x Ethereal Ambush
- 1x Expose Evil
- 1x Feat of Resistance
- 2x Feed the Clan
- 1x Fiery Impulse
- 1x Flashfreeze
- 1x Force Away
- 1x Foul-Tongue Invocation
- 2x Foul-Tongue Shriek
- 1x Friendly Fire
- 1x Geistblast
- 4x Gideon's Reproach
- 1x Glint
- 4x Grave Birthing
- 1x Gravepurge
- 1x Grim Affliction
- 1x Grim Contest
- 3x Grip of Desolation
- 1x Horribly Awry
- 1x Infuse with the Elements
- 4x Inspired Charge
- 1x Instill Infection
- 1x Kindled Fury
- 4x Lightning Strike
- 4x Lithomancer's Focus
- 1x Magma Jet
- 1x Mardu Charm
- 3x Might of the Masses
- 1x Moonlight Hunt
- 3x Murderous Cut
- 1x Mutagenic Growth
- 4x Natural Connection
- 2x Naturalize
- 4x Negate
- 1x Negate
- 2x Ojutai's Breath
- 1x Otherworldly Journey
- 4x Outnumber
- 1x Pinion Feast
- 3x Plummet
- 1x Press the Advantage
- 1x Pressure Point
- 1x Psychic Rebuttal
- 2x Raise the Alarm
- 2x Reclaim
- 1x Reclaim
- 1x Repeal
- 1x Resupply
- 3x Revealing Wind
- 1x Ride Down
- 4x Roilmage's Trick
- 1x Roil's Retribution
- 1x Sandblast
- 1x Sarkhan's Rage
- 1x Scale Blessing
- 1x Scatter the Seeds
- 5x Scour from Existence
- 3x Send to Sleep
- 3x Shape the Sands
- 3x Smash to Smithereens
- 6x Smite the Monstrous
- 5x Spell Shrivel
- 1x Stoic Rebuttal
- 1x Stoke the Flames
- 5x Stonefury
- 3x Sure Strike
- 4x Swell of Growth
- 1x Swift Kick
- 1x Sylvan Bounty
- 1x Tail Slash
- 1x Take Up Arms
- 6x Tandem Tactics
- 2x Temur Battle Rage
- 1x Titanic Growth
- 1x Titan's Presence
- 1x Titan's Strength
- 1x Tread Upon
- 2x Trumpet Blast
- 1x Turn Against
- 5x Unnatural Aggression
- 1x Valorous Stance
- 1x Vapor Snag
- 1x Vine Snare
- 1x Volcanic Rush
- 3x Volcanic Upheaval
- 1x War Flare
Sorcery (152)
- 4x Act of Treason
- 1x Arc Lightning
- 1x Arrow Storm
- 2x Barrage of Boulders
- 1x Bathe in Dragonfire
- 1x Bestial Menace
- 1x Bitter Revelation
- 3x Boiling Earth
- 2x Bone Splinters
- 5x Brilliant Spectrum
- 1x Bring to Light
- 3x Call the Scions
- 1x Chaplain's Blessing
- 4x Clutch of Currents
- 2x Coastal Discovery
- 1x Commune with Nature
- 2x Crumble to Dust
- 1x Dark Deal
- 1x Defeat
- 2x Demolish
- 5x Demon's Grasp
- 1x Dragon Fodder
- 1x Dreadwaters
- 2x Duress
- 4x Dutiful Return
- 3x Earthen Arms
- 2x Epic Confrontation
- 1x Explosive Vegetation
- 1x Fork in the Road
- 1x Great Teacher's Decree
- 1x Gruesome Slaughter
- 1x Healing Hands
- 4x Hordeling Outburst
- 1x Hunt the Weak
- 1x Infinite Obliteration
- 2x Kytheon's Tactics
- 1x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Magmatic Chasm
- 1x Magmatic Insight
- 1x Map the Wastes
- 1x March from the Tomb
- 4x Mind Rot
- 3x Mire's Malice
- 2x Nissa's Pilgrimage
- 1x Nissa's Revelation
- 2x Ojutai's Summons
- 2x Ondu Rising
- 1x Press for Answers
- 2x Processor Assault
- 1x Pyrotechnics
- 1x Radiant Flames
- 2x Rakshasa's Secret
- 1x Reave Soul
- 5x Reclaiming Vines
- 1x Rising Miasma
- 2x Roil Spout
- 1x Rolling Thunder
- 2x Rush of Battle
- 5x Rush of Ice
- 4x Seek the Wilds
- 1x Serpentine Spike
- 1x Sheer Drop
- 1x Shifting Loyalties
- 1x Shrivel
- 1x Sight Beyond Sight
- 1x Sign in Blood
Sign in Blood
- 4x Swarm Surge
- 3x Sylvan Scrying
- 2x Taigam's Strike
- 1x Thrive
- 1x Tormented Thoughts
- 2x Tormenting Voice
- 4x Touch of the Void
- 1x Treasure Cruise
- 3x Triplicate Spirits
- 1x Unified Front
- 1x Vandalize
- 1x Waking Nightmare
- 1x Wild Instincts
- 3x Write into Being
Enchantment (75)
- 1x Ancestral Vengeance
- 6x Angelic Gift
- 2x Arrest
- 1x Assault Formation
- 2x Dampening Pulse
- 1x Deadly Wanderings
- 2x Debilitating Injury
- 2x Equestrian Skill
- 1x From Beyond
- 1x Fruit of the First Tree
- 2x Glaring Aegis
- 5x Goblin War Paint
- 1x Goblinslide
Impact Tremors
- 1x Infectious Bloodlust
- 2x Infernal Scarring
- 1x Jeskai Runemark
- 2x Knightly Valor
- 1x Mardu Runemark
- 2x Molten Nursery
- 1x Molting Snakeskin
- 1x Necrogenesis
- 1x Oblivion Ring
- 2x Pacifism
- 1x Quiet Contemplation
- 2x Reduce in Stature
- 1x Retreat to Coralhelm
- 1x Retreat to Emeria
- 2x Retreat to Kazandu
- 3x Sheltered Aerie
- 1x Siegecraft
- 1x Silkwrap
- 2x Singing Bell Strike
- 2x Skywise Teachings
- 1x Sultai Runemark
- 2x Suppression Bonds
- 1x Tainted Remedy
- 1x Temur Runemark
- 5x Tightening Coils
- 1x Ulvenwald Mysteries
- 2x Vampiric Rites
- 1x Vessel of Nascency
- 1x Weight of the Underworld
- 1x Zendikar's Roil
Artifact (36)
- 2x Alchemist's Vial
- 1x Aligned Hedron Network
- 1x Altar of the Brood
- 1x Angel's Tomb
- 2x Flayer Husk
- 1x Galvanic Key
- 1x Gate Smasher
- 1x Haunted Cloak
- 5x Hedron Blade
- 1x Lens of Clarity
- 1x Mardu Banner
- 1x Neglected Heirloom Flip
- 2x Pathway Arrows
- 1x Sickleslicer
- 1x Silumgar Monument
- 3x Slab Hammer
- 1x Spidersilk Net
- 2x Sultai Banner
- 1x Tapestry of the Ages
- 2x Temur Banner
- 1x Tumble Magnet
Tyrant's Machine
- 1x Veteran's Sidearm
- 1x War Horn