MTG List: Everything
Creature (580)
- 1x Accorder Paladin
- 8x Ajani's Pridemate
- 1x Akoum Battlesinger
- 1x Alpha Tyrranax
- 3x Apex Hawks
- 2x Arbor Elf
- 1x Arc Runner
- 2x Archon of Redemption
- 3x Ardent Recruit
- 2x Argent Sphinx
- 2x Armored Cancrix
- 1x Arrogant Bloodlord
- 2x Artisan of Kozilek
- 1x Auriok Replica
- 2x Auriok Sunchaser
- 2x Bala Ged Scorpion
- 1x Baloth Woodcrasher
- 2x Barrage Ogre
- 1x Battle Hurda
- 3x Bellowing Tanglewurm
- 2x Berserkers of Blood Ridge
- 2x Blade-Tribe Berserkers
- 1x Bladed Sentinel
- 2x Bladetusk Boar
- 3x Bleak Coven Vampires
- 1x Blight Mamba
- 2x Blightsteel Colossus
- 5x Blightwidow
- 1x Blind Zealot
- 1x Blistergrub
- 1x Blisterstick Shaman
- 1x Blood Seeker
- 2x Bloodcrazed Goblin
- 2x Bloodghast
- 2x Bloodhusk Ritualist
- 2x Bloodshot Trainee
- 6x Bog Raiders
- 2x Bog Tatters
- 2x Bojuka Brigand
- 2x Butcher of Malakir
- 3x Cadaver Imp
- 1x Caller of Gales
- 3x Canyon Minotaur
- 1x Carapace Forger
- 1x Cathedral Membrane
- 1x Caustic Crawler
- 2x Caustic Hound
- 1x Chained Throatseeker
- 2x Chancellor of the Forge
- 2x Chancellor of the Spires
- 3x Child of Night
- 2x Chrome Steed
- 1x Contagious Nim
- 1x Copper Myr
- 1x Copperhorn Scout
- 1x Core Prowler
- 1x Corpse Cur
- 2x Corrupted Harvester
- 2x Crypt Ripper
- 2x Cystbearer
- 2x Daggerback Basilisk
- 1x Darkslick Drake
- 1x Darksteel Myr
- 2x Darksteel Sentinel
- 4x Death-Hood Cobra
- 1x Dementia Bat
- 6x Dross Hopper
- 2x Dross Ripper
- 3x Duskdale Wurm
- 2x Earth Servant
- 1x Embersmith
- 2x Enclave Elite
- 2x Escaped Null
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
- 4x Ezuri's Archers
- 2x Felidar Sovereign
- 1x Ferrovore
- 3x Fiery Hellhound
- 1x Flameborn Hellion
- 1x Flameborn Viron
- 1x Fledgling Griffin
- 4x Flensermite
- 1x Fume Spitter
- 4x Garruk's Companion
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
- 2x Ghalma's Warden
- 2x Giant Scorpion
- 3x Glissa, the Traitor *oversized*
- 2x Glissa's Courier
- 1x Glistener Elf
- 3x Gnarlid Pack
- 1x Gnathosaur
- 2x Goblin Bushwhacker
- 2x Goblin Piker
- 1x Goblin Ruinblaster
- 1x Goblin Shortcutter
- 1x Goblin Wardriver
- 1x Gold Myr
- 2x Goldenglow Moth
- 2x Golem Artisan
- 2x Gomazoa
- 2x Grand Architect
- 5x Grappler Spider
- 1x Gravedigger
- 5x Graypelt Hunter
- 1x Greater Basilisk
- 1x Grotag Siege-Runner
- 1x Grotag Thrasher
- 2x Gust-Skimmer
- 5x Guul Draz Vampire
- 1x Hagra Crocodile
- 2x Hagra Diabolist
- 1x Halimar Wavewatch
- 2x Halo Hunter
- 1x Hand of Emrakul
- 3x Heartstabber Mosquito
- 3x Hedron Rover
- 1x Hedron Scrabbler
- 1x Hellfire Mongrel
- 4x Hoard-Smelter Dragon
- 2x Hoarding Dragon
- 2x Howling Banshee
- 1x Ichor Rats
- 4x Ichorclaw Myr
- 1x Immolating Souleater
- 1x Impaler Shrike
- 2x Indomitable Archangel
- 1x Inquisitor Exarch
- 2x Insatiable Souleater
- 2x Jagwasp Swarm
- 3x Joraga Bard
- 1x Jwari Scuttler
- 1x Kemba's Legion
- 1x Kemba's Skyguard
- 1x Kiln Fiend
- 1x Kitesail Apprentice
- 1x Kor Cartographer
- 4x Kor Skyfisher
- 1x Koth's Courier
- 2x Kozilek's Predator
- 2x Kuldotha Forgemaster
- 1x Lagac Lizard
- 2x Leaden Myr
- 3x Leatherback Baloth
- 1x Lifesmith
- 1x Lightkeeper of Emeria
- 4x Liliana's Specter
- 1x Loam Lion
- 4x Lone Missionary
- 2x Lost Leonin
- 1x Loxodon Partisan
- 1x Loxodon Wayfarer
- 3x Lumengrid Drake
- 2x Malakir Bloodwitch
- 1x Manic Vandal
- 1x Maritime Guard
- 1x Marsh Threader
- 1x Master Splicer
- 1x Maul Splicer
- 1x Merfolk Wayfinder
- 3x Mirran Spy
- 2x Mitotic Slime
- 1x Molder Beast
- 1x Molten Ravager
- 2x Moriok Reaver
- 2x Moriok Replica
- 1x Murasa Pyromancer
- 2x Myr Battlesphere
- 2x Myr Propagator
- 5x Myr Sire
- 1x Myrsmith
- 4x Nantuko Shade
- 1x Necrogen Scudder
- 3x Nest Invader
- 3x Nested Ghoul
- 1x Nether Horror
- 1x Neurok Commando
- 1x Neurok Invisimancer
- 3x Neurok Replica
- 1x Nimana Sell-Sword
- 1x Nissa's Chosen
- 2x Oculus
- 1x Ogre Geargrabber
- 3x Oran-Rief Recluse
- 3x Oran-Rief Survivalist
- 3x Overgrown Battlement
- 1x Oxidda Daredevil
- 1x Oxidda Scrapmelter
- 1x Painsmith
- 1x Palace Guard
- 1x Palladium Myr
- 2x Pathrazer of Ulamog
- 1x Peace Strider
- 1x Pelakka Wurm
- 4x Perilous Myr
- 1x Perimeter Captain
- 3x Pestilent Souleater
- 3x Phyrexian Digester
- 1x Phyrexian Hulk
- 2x Phyrexian Hydra
- 2x Phyrexian Rager
- 1x Phyrexian Swarmlord
- 1x Pierce Strider
- 2x Pilgrim's Eye
- 1x Pith Driller
- 3x Plague Stinger
- 2x Porcelain Legionnaire
- 2x Precursor Golem
- 4x Pulse Tracker
- 2x Puresteel Paladin
- 1x Quag Vampires
- 2x Quilled Slagwurm
- 2x Rampaging Baloths
- 1x Rapacious One
- 3x Razor Hippogriff
- 2x Razor Swine
- 2x Razorfield Rhino
- 1x Razorfield Thresher
- 1x Reassembling Skeleton
- 2x Riddlesmith
- 7x Rot Wolf
- 1x Rotting Legion
- 1x Ruinous Minotaur
- 1x Rusted Slasher
- 2x Ruthless Cullblade
- 3x Saberclaw Golem
- 2x Salvage Scout
- 1x Scoria Elemental
- 2x Scourge Servant
- 2x Scrapdiver Serpent
- 2x Screeching Silcaw
- 4x Scrib Nibblers
- 1x Scroll Thief
- 1x Septic Rats
- 2x Serum Raker
- 3x Shatterskull Giant
- 2x Sheoldred, Whispering One
- 1x Shoal Serpent
- 2x Shriek Raptor
- 1x Siege Mastodon
- 2x Silver Myr
- 1x Silvercoat Lion
- 2x Skinrender
- 1x Sky-Eel School
- 4x Sky Ruin Drake
- 2x Snapping Creeper
- 1x Snapsail Glider
- 1x Soliton
- 2x Soul's Attendant
- 2x Sphinx of Lost Truths
- 2x Spikeshot Elder
- 1x Spined Thopter
- 2x Spiraling Duelist
- 2x Spire Serpent
- 1x Sporecap Spider
- 1x Stone Golem
- 1x Stonework Puma
- 1x Stormfront Pegasus
- 2x Summit Apes
- 1x Sunspear Shikari
- 2x Surrakar Banisher
- 2x Surrakar Marauder
- 1x Suture Priest
- 1x Sylvan Ranger
- 3x Sylvok Replica
- 1x Tangle Angler
- 2x Tangle Mantis
- 3x Tel-Jilad Fallen
- 2x Terra Stomper
- 2x Territorial Baloth
- 2x Thrun, the Last Troll
- 1x Thundering Tanadon
- 1x Tideforce Elemental
- 4x Timbermaw Larva
- 2x Tine Shrike
- 1x Tireless Missionaries
- 2x Toxic Nim
- 1x Training Drone
- 2x Treasure Mage
- 1x Tuktuk Scrapper
- 1x Ulamog's Crusher
- 1x Valakut Fireboar
- 5x Vampire Hexmage
- 1x Vampire Lacerator
- 1x Vastwood Animist
- 2x Vastwood Gorger
- 1x Vault Skirge
- 1x Vedalken Anatomist
- 4x Vedalken Certarch
- 1x Vedalken Infuser
- 2x Vengeful Archon
- 2x Victory's Herald
- 2x Viral Drake
- 4x Viridian Betrayers
- 2x Viridian Corrupter
- 4x Viridian Emissary
- 2x Voyager Drake
- 1x Vulshok Berserker
- 1x Vulshok Heartstoker
- 2x Vulshok Replica
- 2x Wall of Tanglecord
- 1x White Knight
- 1x Wildheart Invoker
- 3x Yavimaya Wurm
- 2x Zendikar Farguide
- 1x Zof Shade
Instant (170)
- 2x Apostle's Blessing
- 3x Banishment Decree
- 2x Blue Sun's Zenith
- 2x Blunt the Assault
- 1x Bull Rush
- 1x Burn the Impure
- 3x Burst Lightning
- 1x Cancel
- 1x Chandra's Outrage
- 1x Combust
- 2x Crush
- 4x Disfigure
- 1x Dispatch
- 1x Dispense Justice
- 3x Divine Offering
- 1x Divine Verdict
- 1x Due Respect
- 1x Flashfreeze
- 2x Fling
- 1x Fog
- 1x Frantic Salvage
- 4x Fuel for the Cause
- 1x Fulgent Distraction
- 1x Geth's Verdict
- 2x Giant Growth
- 2x Glissa's Scorn
- 4x Go for the Throat
- 5x Grasp of Darkness
- 1x Grim Affliction
- 1x Groundswell
- 2x Halt Order
- 1x Harrow
- 2x Hideous End
- 1x Incite
- 1x Induce Despair
- 1x Inspired Charge
- 5x Instill Infection
- 1x Into the Core
- 1x Leeching Bite
- 1x Mana Leak
- 1x Marrow Shards
- 2x Master's Call
- 1x Mighty Leap
- 1x Mirran Mettle
- 2x Mutagenic Growth
- 1x Mysteries of the Deep
- 1x Naturalize
- 2x Nature's Claim
- 1x Not of this World
- 1x Noxious Revival
- 1x Prey's Vengeance
- 1x Psychic Barrier
- 1x Pyretic Ritual
- 4x Quicksilver Geyser
- 2x Ravenous Trap
- 1x Righteousness
- 1x Runeflare Trap
- 1x Searing Blaze
- 1x Seismic Shudder
- 1x Seize the Initiative
- 3x Shatter
- 1x Slaughter Cry
- 1x Slice in Twain
- 2x Slingbow Trap
- 2x Soul Parry
- 2x Spawning Breath
- 3x Stabbing Pain
- 4x Staggershock
- 4x Steady Progress
- 3x Steel Sabotage
- 2x Tainted Strike
- 1x Tanglesap
- 2x Tel-Jilad Defiance
- 2x Thunder Strike
- 2x Tomb Hex
- 4x Turn Aside
- 4x Turn the Tide
- 1x Twisted image 2
- 1x Twitch
- 1x Unstable Footing
- 1x Unsummon
- 2x Untamed Might
- 1x Vapor Snag
- 2x Vault Skyward
- 7x Vendetta
- 1x Veteran's Reflexes
- 3x Vines of Vastwood
- 1x Virulent Swipe
- 2x Virulent Wound
- 1x Volt Charge
- 1x Whitesun's Passage
- 1x Wing Puncture
- 3x Withstand Death
Sorcery (132)
- 4x Ancient Stirrings
- 1x Arc Trail
- 3x Arm with AEther
- 1x Assault Strobe
- 2x Beast Hunt
- 2x Bestial Menace
- 4x Black Sun's Zenith
- 3x Blood Tithe
- 1x Brood Birthing
- 3x Concussive Bolt
- 1x Corrosive Gale
- 2x Corrupt
- 2x Demolish
- 6x Desecrated Earth
- 2x Despise
- 4x Disentomb
- 3x Duress
- 2x Explore
- 1x Exsanguinate
- 1x Feast of Blood
- 1x Fissure Vent
- 3x Flame Slash
- 1x Flesh Allergy
- 1x Forked Bolt
- 1x Gitaxian Probe
- 5x Grim Discovery
- 1x Growth Spasm
- 1x Gruesome Encore
- 3x Horrifying Revelation
- 1x Hunters' Feast
- 2x Iona's Judgment
- 1x Irresistible Prey
- 1x Kuldotha Rebirth
- 2x Lava Axe
- 1x Magma Rift
- 2x Mark of Mutiny
- 1x Marsh Casualties
- 2x Mass Polymorph
- 1x Metallic Mastery
- 5x Mind Rot
- 5x Mire's Toll
- 2x Phyrexian Rebirth
- 2x Praetor's Grasp
- 5x Psychic Miasma
- 2x Remember the Fallen
- 1x Revoke Existence
- 1x Rise from the Grave
- 1x Roiling Terrain
- 1x Ruthless Invasion
- 2x Sadistic Sacrament
- 1x Scrapyard Salvo
- 2x Sign in Blood
- 1x Sleep
- 1x Spire Barrage
- 4x Spread the Sickness
- 6x Survival Cache
- 1x Traitorous Instinct
- 2x Trapfinder's Trick
- 1x Triumph of the Hordes
- 3x Turn to Slag
- 1x Victorious Destruction
- 2x Vivisection
- 1x Whipflare
Artifact (118)
- 1x Accorder's Shield
- 2x Argentum Armor
- 1x Barbed Battlegear
- 6x Bladed Pinions
- 1x Blazing Torch
- 1x Contagion Clasp
- 4x Contagion Engine
- 1x Conversion Chamber
- 1x Copper Carapace
- 1x Culling Dais
- 2x Darksteel Relic
- 2x Decimator Web
- 2x Demon's Horn
- 1x Dimir Signet
- 1x Echo Circlet
- 1x Elixir of Immortality
- 5x Everflowing Chalice
Expedition Map
- 2x Explorer's Scope
- 6x Flayer Husk
- 2x Flight Spellbomb
- 2x Glint Hawk Idol
- 2x Golden Urn
- 4x Golem Foundry
- 2x Golem's Heart
- 1x Heavy Arbalest
- 4x Horizon Spellbomb
- 3x Ichor Wellspring
- 1x Infiltration Lens
- 1x Khalni Gem
- 5x Kitesail
- 1x Mortarpod
- 1x Mycosynth Wellspring
- 4x Nihil Spellbomb
- 2x Panic Spellbomb
- 1x Pristine Talisman
- 1x Razor Boomerang
- 3x Rusted Relic
- 2x Seer's Sundial
- 4x Semblance Anvil
- 2x Shriekhorn
- 1x Sickleslicer
- 1x Silverskin Armor
- 1x Skinwing
- 1x Sorcerer's Strongbox
- 1x Sphere of the Suns
- 1x Spidersilk Net
- 1x Strandwalker
- 2x Strider Harness
- 2x Sylvok Lifestaff
- 2x Throne of Geth
- 1x Titan Forge
- 1x Trigon of Corruption
- 1x Trigon of Infestation
- 2x Trigon of Thought
- 1x Trusty Machete
- 4x Tumble Magnet
- 1x Unwinding Clock
- 1x Voltaic Key
- 1x Warlord's Axe
Enchantment (97)
- 1x Ajani's Mantra
- 2x Arrest
- 2x Asceticism
- 1x Boar Umbra
- 2x Bonds of Quicksilver
- 2x Brink of Disaster
- 1x Canopy Cover
- 2x Celestial Mantle
- 3x Contaminated Ground
- 2x Corrupted Conscience
- 2x Corrupted Zendikon
- 1x Defensive Stance
- 1x Enslave
- 2x Exclusion Ritual
- 1x Forced Worship
- 2x Furnace Celebration
- 1x Gravity Well
- 4x Guardian Zendikon
- 1x Ior Ruin Expedition
- 4x Journey to Nowhere
- 1x Khalni Heart Expedition
- 4x Liliana's Caress
- 3x Luminarch Ascension
- 2x Marshal's Anthem
- 1x Mire Blight
- 2x Numbing Dose
- 2x Pacifism
- 2x Painful Quandary
- 1x Parasitic Implant
- 5x Phyresis
- 2x Psychic Surgery
- 1x Quest for Pure Flame
- 1x Quest for Renewal
- 1x Quest for the Gemblades
- 1x Quest for the Goblin Lord
- 3x Relic Putrescence
- 1x Rumbling Aftershocks
- 2x Shiv's Embrace
- 3x Soul Stair Expedition
- 1x Spider Umbra
- 2x Terra Eternal
- 2x True Conviction
- 3x Unholy Strength
- 2x Vapor Snare
- 2x Vastwood Zendikon
- 3x Viridian Harvest
- 1x Viridian Revel
- 4x Volcanic Strength
- 1x Volition Reins
- 1x Zektar Shrine Expedition
Land (261)
- 3x Bojuka Bog
- 2x Dread Statuary
- 1x Eldrazi Temple
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 69x Forest
- 2x Glimmerpost
- 1x Halimar Depths
- 1x Inkmoth Nexus
- 43x Island
- 2x Kabira Crossroads
- 1x Kazandu Refuge
- 1x Khalni Garden
- 34x Mountain
- 1x Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
- 2x Piranha Marsh
- 40x Plains
- 2x Quicksand
- 51x Swamp
Teetering Peaks
- 3x Terramorphic Expanse
Planeswalker (4)
Unknown (5)
- 5x Morbid Plunder 2