MTG List: FRF/KTK/DTK School Cube


Creature (342)

Instant (127)

Sorcery (76)

Enchantment (60)

Artifact (26)

Land (24)

Planeswalker (5)


I run a MTG/DND club at my school and the kids want to get into drafting. Most of the kids can't afford to buy tons of packs, so I'm building a cube we can draft from. It's going to be a little bit different than normal.

  1. Each player (up to 5) will choose one of the commander packs. They contain one of the dragonlords, plus some other basic things that you want in a commander deck.
  2. Players draft a 60 card singleton commander deck the same way a normal draft works (4 packs per player, each with a mix of comms and uncomms, 2 and at least 1 rare).
  3. Play as normal.

The cube itself is going to contain all of the comms and uncomms from Fate Reforged, Khans of Tarkier and Dragons of Tarkir. It will also contain MOST of the rares and mythics (any that are too powerful or are of impossible color combos have been removed).