MTG List: Best Abzan Midrange Deck



These colors have access to some of the best removal in standard, some killer four drops, the best planeswalker in standard (elspeth), as well as mana fixing and other threats. The real challenge in Abzan is picking which amazing cards you want to run. please give suggestions!!

Fleecemane lion: Great two drop, stops rabble master, applies earlier pressure and if you get its monstrous off he is sticking around forever. this deck has ways to make him bigger as well. whether he is an early game beater/blocker, or an indestructible hexproof creature there is no going wrong.

sylvan caryatid: unkillable mana fixing, super important in a three color deck. decent toughness can block alot of aggro creatures. important for turn three anafeza,polukranos or removal spell.

courser of kruphix: pure card advantage. The four toughness is amazing against aggro, the life gain is very relevant against burn and aggro, and adds up in midrange games. if you're behind on lands courser can help you find them, and if you have lands on top of your library he is basically drawing you cards. Definatley one of the biggest reasons to run green, proved his strength in the block constructed and should continue to be a staple in standard.

hero's downfall: Best removal in standard. its an instant, fairly cheap and isnt dead against control. it kills any major threat and should be a three or four of in any deck that's running black.

anafenza, the foremost: Not totally sure about this choice but she seems good. a three drop 4/4 is good, and the fact that she makes other creatures bigger makes her a better loxodon smiter. if your opponent has delve or reanimator she becomes a must kill card. Basically a three drop four four that pumps other creatures andhas a slight upside seems playable.

Abzan Charm: This seems like one of the best charms printed. Instant speed removal to almost any big threat that doubles as an instant speed sign in blood if need be seems very playable. the third ability isnt very relevant but can make a decen combat trick.

banishing light: an answer to any threat or otherwise troublesome card. banishing light is a good card but can be removed. some number of them belong in the deck as they are just so flexible and easy to cast, not sure about the balance between these and utter end.

arbor colossus: this card may seem random and mabye it is, but its a necessary answer to a very real threat. a five drop 6/6 is under costed, dual lands and sylvan make im viable to cast. his monstrous makes a great combat trick and kills fliers. he is important as an answer to three great fliers in the form of sarkhan, stormbreath and butcher of the horde. all three are very strong cards, and arbor collussus blocks or kills all of them. additionally other than arbor collussus, the only way in the deck to kill stormbreath is hero's downfall or elspeth's -3 and lets face it, when you play an elspeth you want to immediatly make an army of soldiers. a good one of and another in the sideboard seems like a viable solution to an otherwise extremley dangerous and popular threat.

Seige Rhino: seige rhino is an important threat in the deck that has immediate value. The six point lifeswing helps against burn aggro and close midrange games, as well as paying for pain lands. a four five with trample that can get pumped by ajani or anafenza is a very relevant threat. i ended up going with three siege rhino and 2 polukranos because, although polukranos is arguably more powerful he is also a legendary.

polukranos: a four drop five five beater, arguably one of the best turn three plays. a late game mana sink, a blocker against aggro and a huge threat against everything else. a two of because he is legendary, and competes with siege rhino (who gives immediate value and has trample) and reaper of the wilds (who has protection, can trade with anything, and smooths over draws)