MTG List: Wrexial Pauper EDH
Instant (146)
- 1x Accumulated Knowledge
- 1x AEther Burst
- 1x Anticipate
- 1x Aphotic Wisps
- 1x Boomerang
- 1x Brainstorm
- 1x Broken Ambitions
- 1x Cabal Ritual
- 1x Cancel
- 1x Cerulean Wisps
- 1x Chill to the Bone
- 1x Circular Logic
- 1x Coat with Venom
- 1x Condescend
- 1x Consuming Vortex
- 1x Convolute
- 1x Counterspell
- 1x Cradle to Grave
- 1x Crippling Chill
- 1x Crypsis
- 1x Crypt Incursion
- 1x Culling the Weak
- 1x Dampen Thought
- 1x Dark Banishing
- 1x Dark Ritual
- 1x Dark Withering
- 1x Darkness
- 1x Dash Hopes
- 1x Death Rattle
- 1x Devour Flesh
- 1x Diabolic Edict
- 1x Diminish
- 1x Disdainful Stroke
- 1x Disembowel
- 1x Disrupt
- 1x Doom Blade
- 1x Downpour
- 1x Dream Fracture
- 1x Dream Twist
- 1x Dream's Grip
- 1x Early Frost
- 1x Ebony Charm
- 1x Echoing Truth
- 1x Enervate
- 1x Expunge
- 1x Eyeblight's Ending
- 1x Faerie Trickery
- 1x False Summoning
- 1x Fleeting Distraction
- 1x Force Away
- 1x Foul-Tongue Shriek
- 1x Frantic Search
- 1x Frost Breath
- 1x Funeral Charm
- 1x Geth's Verdict
- 1x Ghastly Demise
- 1x Ghostly Flicker
- 1x Gigadrowse
- 1x Glint
- 1x Grasp of Darkness
- 1x Grip of Amnesia
- 1x Hideous End
- 1x High Tide
- 1x Hoodwink
- 1x Horobi's Whisper
- 1x Howl from Beyond
- 1x Hubris
- 1x Impulse
- 1x Infiltrate
- 1x Jolt
- 1x Keep Watch
- 1x Lat-Nam's Legacy
- 1x Leap
- 1x Logic Knot
- 1x Mage's Guile
- 1x Mana Leak
- 1x Midnight Charm
- 1x Mind Games
- 1x Misery Charm
- 1x Muddle the Mixture
- 1x Murder
- 1x Negate
- 1x Nullify
- 1x Obsessive Search
- 1x Opt
- 1x Peek
- 1x Peer Through Depths
- 1x Perplex
- 1x Piracy Charm
- 1x Preemptive Strike
- 1x Psychic Barrier
- 1x Psychic Puppetry
- 1x Psychic Strike
- 1x Rakshasa's Disdain
- 1x Ray of Command
- 1x Ray of Erasure
- 1x Reach Through Mists
- 1x Recoil
- 1x Refocus
- 1x Rend Flesh
- 1x Rethink
- 1x Rewind
- 1x Rune Snag
- 1x Sapphire Charm
- 1x Scare Tactics
- 1x Shadow Rift
- 1x Shriek of Dread
- 1x Sift Through Sands
- 1x Snap
- 1x Snapback
- 1x Snuff Out
- 1x Songs of the Damned
- 1x Sorin's Thirst
- 1x Soul Manipulation
- 1x Spell Pierce
- 1x Spell Rupture
- 1x Spell Syphon
- 1x Spy Network
- 1x Stoic Rebuttal
- 1x Stymied Hopes
- 1x Tainted Strike
- 1x Telekinesis
- 1x Tendrils of Corruption
- 1x Terror
- 1x Thought Scour
- 1x Thoughtbind
- 1x Toils of Night and Day
- 1x Tolarian Winds
- 1x Tragic Slip
- 1x Trickery Charm
- 1x Turn Aside
- 1x Twiddle
- 1x Unsummon
- 1x Vampire's Bite
- 1x Vapor Snag
- 1x Vault Skyward
- 1x Veil of Secrecy
- 1x Vendetta
- 1x Victim of Night
- 1x Virulent Wound
- 1x Vision Charm
- 1x Vision Skeins
- 1x Voyage's End
- 1x Whirlpool Whelm
- 1x Wings of Velis Vel
- 1x Withdraw
Enchantment (42)
- 1x Alexi's Cloak
- 1x Anti-Magic Aura
- 1x Apathy
- 1x Aqueous Form
- 1x Awesome Presence
- 1x Betrayal
- 1x Chime of Night
- 1x Cloak of Mists
- 1x Cunning
- 1x Curse of the Bloody Tome
- 1x Death's Approach
- 1x Diplomatic Immunity
- 1x Eel Umbra
- 1x Encrust
- 1x Endless Scream
- 1x Fate Foretold
- 1x Font of Fortunes
- 1x Grave Peril
- 1x Helm of the Ghastlord
- 1x Immobilizing Ink
- 1x Invisibility
- 1x Ior Ruin Expedition
- 1x Jace's Erasure
- 1x Mana Chains
- 1x Mystic Veil
- 1x Oubliette
- 1x Paralyze
- 1x Pendrell Flux
- 1x Phyresis
- 1x Protective Bubble
- 1x Ragged Veins
- 1x Relic Putrescence
- 1x Rhystic Study
- 1x Seal of Doom
- 1x Seal of Removal
- 1x Singing Bell Strike
- 1x Spectral Flight
- 1x Spectral Prison
- 1x Torpor Dust
- 1x Unholy Strength
- 1x Vampiric Link
- 1x Wind Zendikon
Artifact (22)
- 1x Aether Spellbomb
- 1x Blight Sickle
- 1x Bonesplitter
- 1x Commander's Sphere
- 1x Conjurer's Bauble
- 1x Courier's Capsule
- 1x Darksteel Ingot
- 1x Dimir Cluestone
- 1x Dimir Signet
- 1x Executioner's Capsule
Expedition Map
- 1x Explorer's Scope
- 1x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Bell
- 1x Manalith
- 1x Mind Stone
- 1x Mistvein Borderpost
- 1x Mycosynth Wellspring
- 1x Necrogen Spellbomb
- 1x Obelisk of Esper
- 1x Obelisk of Grixis
- 1x Whispersilk Cloak
Creature (120)
- 1x Abyssal Gatekeeper
- 1x AEther Adept
- 1x AEthersnipe
- 1x Alchemist's Apprentice
- 1x Alley Grifters
- 1x Archaeomancer
- 1x Augur of Skulls
- 1x Augury Owl
- 1x Basilica Screecher
- 1x Bay Falcon
- 1x Bile Urchin
- 1x Blackcleave Goblin
- 1x Blighted Agent
- 1x Blind Phantasm
- 1x Blind Zealot
- 1x Blood Seeker
- 1x Brain Gorgers
- 1x Breathstealer
- 1x Briarberry Cohort
- 1x Calcite Snapper
- 1x Carnophage
- 1x Carrion Feeder
- 1x Carrion Rats
- 1x Cathartic Adept
- 1x Chained Throatseeker
- 1x Champion's Drake
- 1x Child of Night
- 1x Cloud of Faeries
- 1x Cloudfin Raptor
- 1x Contagious Nim
- 1x Coral Eel
- 1x Crosstown Courier
- 1x Cursed Ronin
- 1x Dauthi Horror
- 1x Dauthi Slayer
- 1x Deadly Grub
- 1x Death Cultist
- 1x Deathgreeter
- 1x Deathspore Thallid
- 1x Delver of Secrets Flip
- 1x Dimir House Guard
- 1x Disowned Ancestor
- 1x Disruptive Pitmage
- 1x Disruptive Student
- 1x Dread Warlock
- 1x Drifter il-Dal
- 1x Drowner Initiate
- 1x Elusive Spellfist
- 1x Escape Artist
- 1x Faceless Butcher
- 1x Faerie Squadron
- 1x Feral Shadow
- 1x Flensermite
- 1x Flying Men
- 1x Frost Lynx
- 1x Gnat Miser
- 1x Gossamer Phantasm
- 1x Grave Scrabbler
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Grayscaled Gharial
- 1x Gulf Squid
- 1x Gurmag Angler
- 1x Guul Draz Vampire
- 1x Hand of Silumgar
- 1x Hazy Homunculus
- 1x Headless Horseman
- 1x Hisoka's Guard
- 1x Hooded Assassin
- 1x Illusionary Servant
- 1x Infiltrator il-Kor
- 1x Initiates of the Ebon Hand
- 1x Jeskai Sage
- 1x Liliana's Specter
- 1x Lim-Dul's High Guard
- 1x Man-o'-War
- 1x Marchesa's Emissary
- 1x Mardu Skullhunter
- 1x Merfolk Mesmerist
- 1x Mistblade Shinobi
- 1x Nightscape Familiar
- 1x Oculus
- 1x Parasitic Strix
- 1x Phantasmal Bear
- 1x Plague Stinger
- 1x Prickly Boggart
- 1x Pulse Tracker
- 1x Quag Vampires
- 1x Ribbon Snake
- 1x Roofstalker Wight
- 1x Shriekgeist
- 1x Sigiled Starfish
- 1x Smolder Initiate
- 1x Smoldering Butcher
- 1x Soulcage Fiend
- 1x Spiketail Drake
- 1x Spiketail Hatchling
- 1x Stitcher's Apprentice
- 1x Stone-Throwing Devils
- 1x Storm Crow
- 1x Stormbound Geist
- 1x Stormscape Familiar
- 1x Swamp Mosquito
- 1x Teardrop Kami
- 1x Thalakos Sentry
- 1x Tormented Soul
- 1x Triton Shorestalker
- 1x Typhoid Rats
- 1x Ulamog's Crusher
- 1x Urborg Panther
- 1x Vampire Lacerator
- 1x Vault Skirge
- 1x Vector Asp
- 1x Vedalken Ghoul
- 1x Veiling Oddity
- 1x Vodalian Zombie
- 1x Wanderbrine Rootcutters
- 1x Wandering Ones
- 1x Wingcrafter
- 1x Zephyr Falcon
- 1x Zombie Outlander
Sorcery (81)
- 1x Addle
- 1x Amass the Components
- 1x Artful Dodge
- 1x Asphyxiate
- 1x Assassinate
- 1x Befoul
- 1x Blood Tithe
- 1x Bone Splinters
- 1x Broken Dam
- 1x Bubbling Muck
- 1x Bump in the Night
- 1x Call to the Netherworld
- 1x Chainer's Edict
- 1x Cloak of Feathers
- 1x Coercion
- 1x Counsel of the Soratami
- 1x Cry of Contrition
- 1x Death Stroke
- 1x Dirge of Dread
- 1x Disentomb
- 1x Distortion Strike
- 1x Distress
- 1x Divination
- 1x Dreadwaters
- 1x Dream Cache
- 1x Duress
- 1x Eye of Nowhere
- 1x Fatigue
- 1x Flux
- 1x Foresee
- 1x Ghostform
- 1x Gitaxian Probe
- 1x Hand of Death
- 1x Hands of Binding
- 1x Horrifying Revelation
- 1x Hymn to Tourach
- 1x Icequake
- 1x Imperial Edict
- 1x Inaction Injunction
- 1x Index
- 1x Innocent Blood
- 1x Inquisition
- 1x Memory Sluice
- 1x Merchant Scroll
- 1x Mind Rot
- 1x Mind Sculpt
- 1x Mindstab
- 1x Mire's Toll
- 1x Misstep
- 1x Night Terrors
- 1x Ostracize
- 1x Paranoid Delusions
- 1x Pilfered Plans
- 1x Ponder
- 1x Portent
- 1x Preordain
- 1x Psychic Miasma
- 1x Pulling Teeth
- 1x Read the Bones
- 1x Scarscale Ritual
- 1x Serum Visions
- 1x Sift
- 1x Sign in Blood
- 1x Silent Departure
- 1x Sinkhole
- 1x Sleight of Hand
- 1x Sorcerous Sight
- 1x Soul Reap
- 1x Syphon Life
- 1x Syphon Soul
- 1x Tidal Surge
- 1x Tome Scour
- 1x Train of Thought
- 1x Treasure Cruise
- 1x Tyrant's Choice
- 1x Undo
- 1x Void Snare
- 1x Wistful Thinking
- 1x Wrench Mind