MTG List: Aren's Rares-Box 4


Creature (234)

Sorcery (73)

Enchantment (41)

Instant (32)

Artifact (12)


Cards are found from the following sets/blocks: All return to Ravnica, all of Innistrad, All of scars of Mirrodin, all of Zendikar block, Shards of Alara, Shadowmoor, Lorwyn, all of Future Sight block, all from ravnica block, all from Kamigawa block, all from Mirrodin block, all from Onslaught block, Odssey, Torment, Apocalypse, Invasion, Prophecy, Nemesis, fifth edition, various dual decks, Modern Masters, Eternal masters, Modern Masters 2015, Modern Masters, Premium Foil, Conspiracy, and, Conspiracy: Take the Crown.