I began playing Magic back when Mirrodin Besieged first came out; my first decks were Artifact decks (Kuldotha Red) and traditional Weenie decks (with Squadron Hawk of course). Eventually when Mirrodin rotated out of standard and Innistrad came in I began playing the game less and less frequently, as did my playgroup. I eventually got back into it again when Mono- Devotion ruled standard; I decided to brew fun, competitive decks to beat this popular, competitive deck (I had little success, but it was fun nonetheless). After this, I began considering myself as a Johnny player (making my go to color), always looking for dumb cards to make combos out of. I still do this today, and my skills have significantly improved since Ravnica. Ever since I discovered TappedOut in November of 2014, I have improved my deck building skills so much thanks to this fabulous community of helpful and generous Magic players. Thank you TappedOut for making Magic a very enjoyable experience!

I consider myself a fairly good deckbuilder (for most formats, Modern being my strongest area, while EDH probably being my weakest), so if anyone wants significant help on their decks (for whatever reason) then feel free to post your deck and what you need help with on my wall... I will get around to it as soon as I can, I love to help out wherever possible!
Decks that I am currently playing in various formats:
This deck is actually just pure jank. Kinda wish I had money, because actually Delver is pretty sweet honestly.
This is part of my first deck actually (the Memnites). The deck is actually decent, it can win turn 3 if you get a perfect hand.
I am going to be so sad when this rotates out. Whip was the best archetype that no one used in standard (it was used briefly during Khans).
Voltron anybody? Just for duel commander, not multiplayer.
I have spent countless hours tweaking, testing, and number crunching with this deck. You really need to check this one out, I'm actually pretty proud of this deck.
I consider my "core colors" when deckbuilding to be , as these colors provide a balance between combo and control, significantly aiding many of decks. , , and are my favorite three color combinations. I prefer mono-red when playing a single color, and as I said before, Dimir when playing two. That being said, I play with every single color, as they all provide their own benefits. My favorite kind of card are the cards that require you to read it multiple times for you to understand it fully as it is unusually worded (like The Great Aurora from Magic Origins). A very high percentage of my decks use wacky cards/combos as their wincons, as I feel that if far more enjoyable than playing a carbon-copy of someone else's "Abzan Control" deck or whatever. My favorite cards include Myth Realized, Shadowborn Apostle, and Dread Return (please unban this in modern).