I've got a lot of commons, some emblems, and quite a few random tokens so if there's a common card you're looking for or a token you'd like feel free to ask I'd be glad to see what I've got (For the most part the commons are Innistrad and onward but I still have some stuff from prior sets)
The Cenn's Tactician
is the promo
I don't really do delivery confirmation on anything smaller than $40 however I will ship first as compensation upon request and as long as you have a reference/established record trading
I love game-day promos so if you're sitting on some I'd most likely be interested.
If you don't have any of my wants I will gladly look at your binder.
I'm also looking for the following tokens and emblems:
None currently
I have also done a trade with darkside420 (my Yu-Gi-Oh for their Magic) and will vouch for them
Regarding the pending trade with Sauron_ we came to an agreement and I have yet to receive their end fortunately I had them send first so I didn't lose anything but several other users are experiencing issues with them
Regarding the pending trade with TelleoStar they were nothing but negligible and abusing of my original understanding nature and scammed me under the guise of business
Sorry if it inconveniences anyone but I will only ship within the U.S.A.