Vampiric Eidolon -
Alright, your card is…drumroll… Reality Twist. I would also accept a build revolving around Naked Singularity because it’s essentially the same thing.
Ground rules are: Nothing illegal/restricted (i.e. no ‘Un’ set cards), and the card must be actually played/used.
This card has vanquished me on every attempt.
“Avenge my wasted death…”
turns to ash, blows away in wind
February 12, 2025 8:33 p.m.
I'm fine with Legacy/Vintage, Balaam__. It's not my forte, but it wouldn't be the first time I brewed in that format.
February 12, 2025 8:24 p.m.
Alright, I believe I’ve settled on a card. It’s a card which, like you and Quicksilver Fountain, I’ve personally struggled to build around and never managed to get anything even remotely playable off the ground. It’s been a headache and at this point I’d just like to see someone do something with it because it’s such an interesting card.
Before I reveal the card, would it matter that you’d pretty much be restricted to Legacy/Vintage? It’s an old card.
February 12, 2025 8:14 p.m.
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Clerical Air...
Thanks so much for the +1 and thoughtful comment, Barbarian_Sun_Pope!
Yes, I've considered Revival / Revenge. I still might change my mind on it, but since there's only one copy of Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose in the deck, I'm not that keen on adding a spell that combos with him and because he's Legendary, I'm not that keen on adding more copies of him. Also, I rarely include any spells that cost 6 to cast, at least not in decks without some mana ramp. Also, Marauding Blight-Priest does a pretty good job, as most of the lifegain comes from the soul sisters triggering multiple times. And when it comes to the Revival half of the spell, I already have Orah, Skyclave Hierophant to help bring creatures back from the graveyard. And more importantly, I have Tocasia's Welcome, which is a very efficient draw engine that makes graveyard recurrence a lot less important.
But like I said, I might change my mind. I can be pretty stubborn, but I also build a lot of forks of decks to explore different possibilities. This deck itself is a Cleric Tribal fork of my deck Halo, and Welcome!. So I might as some point decide to fork again with a greater focus on recurring creatures. Truth be told, I'm not super happy with the performance I've seen from Orah, in large part because 4 is just a little more than the deck really wants to spend on a spell and also because he just doesn't deliver that much value. Of course, a lot of that also has to do with the fact that with Tocasia's Welcome, his role isn't all that important either.
February 20, 2025 6:53 p.m.
Said on
Budget +1/+1 Counter …...
Thalia's Lieutenant and Champion of the Parish are just so good. Hard to beat the Human tribe when it comes to +1/+1 counters.
Luminarch Aspirant is pretty decent, too.
Tezzeret's Gambit is nice card draw with Proliferate. Especially nice that you don't really need blue at all if you can life with paying 2 life.
You can check out my deck Cocaine which is mono-white Human +1/+1 counter themed. I don't bother with Proliferate except Tezzeret's Gambit because the deck is so fast. I used to play a mono-green +1/+1 counter deck with Hardened Scales, Avatar of the Resolute, and Inspiring Call but I found my mono-white deck was just so much better - faster, cheaper removal, better protection/evasion. So ya, white is where it's at for +1/+1 counters!
February 19, 2025 5:07 p.m.
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Moonwalkers (Ichormoon Superfriends)...
Big thanks for the +1, Balaam__!
February 18, 2025 7:59 p.m.
I'm aware you never said anything about the competitive meter. My point was that, as nice as your brew is, it probably isn't going to take down a major win in competitive play. So worrying about the speed of the deck in the Modern format is a little moot. It's all relative to what you're playing against.
If one Unbound Flourishing is enough to win the game, then playing a second is moot, and a waste of mana and therefore, it's basically a dead card. Yes, you could cast it, but it would only be slowing you down.
It is not true that an opponent will have an answer to any spell you've tutored whether you reveal it or not. An opponent may have multiple answers, but not the right mana to cast the one that matters if they don't know what they need. Or they may use that spell sooner or as the wrong response. Yes, revealing a tutor matters. Hell, lots of players want all their lands to match so opponents can't count their lands. So ya, what you reveal matters.
And yes, you might not draw what you need. That's how randomness works. Unless you stack your decks. But then it's not random. If you've never been mana-screwed, then I don't know what game you're playing. It happens.
February 17, 2025 7:19 p.m.
I did mean jund, thanks for that correction. You're certainly free to ignore my thoughts and suggestions. But I do disagree that 5c can be played comfortably. I've certainly spent a lot of time brewing 4 and 5 color decks and they def come at a cost and lose consistency. Relying on green mana fixing certainly helps but the bottom line is 4+ colors is never as consistent as 3, just as 3 is never as consistent 2 and 2 is never as consistent as mono.
And yes, you might draw into what you need. Or you might not. You could draw Unbound Flourishing, too. Or not. The versatility of a broad tutor means there's no question.
Also, I meant to mention this before - I think it's a major drawback to have to reveal what you've tutored, so there's that against Idyllic Tutor as well.
And yes, 4MV is one turn slower than 3MV. However, both are on the steeper side of what anyone wants for a utility spell, but you do have some ramp to help with those costs.
You're running 4x of a tutor for a card that you only need one copy of in play, but include 4 copies. So if you draw that one copy, you essentially now have 7 dead cards, and those are cards you will draw when you want something else. And that will work out to being a turn slower, too.
You could take it step farther and not only cut white, but cut black as well. There are plenty of R/G spells with X in their cost - there's really no reason to include black just for Torment of Hailfire. Then you're looking at something like Harmonize, which wouldn't be bad at all, as at least then you're getting card advantage and not revealing anything to opponents.
And while TappedOut has a cute little "competitive meter," I wouldn't trust that to indicate any deck is really going to compete at the top tier. So while Modern is a very fast format, especially at the highest level, that doesn't mean it's always that fast or that every Modern deck has to compete with the top tier decks.
February 17, 2025 5:51 p.m.
Great deck. I only have one suggestion: Perhaps cut Idyllic Tutor in favor of Mastermind's Acquisition? While I see the primary impetus for wanting the tutor is Unbound Flourishing, limiting your tutor to strictly Enchantments for the relatively high MV of 3 AND including a 4th color for just that spell doesn't seem that "ideal" to me. For just 1 more mana, you can tutor any spell in your library - which seems like a big upgrade for almost no extra cost - while also keeping your deck sultai, thereby saving you a lot of manafixing. The biggest argument against Mastermind's Acquisition that I see is the double black casting cost. But you already have such a casting cost with Torment of Hailfire, so that argument seems rather weak.
February 17, 2025 4:05 p.m.
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You Go Squirrel...
Much thanks for the +1, Squee_Spirit_Guide!
February 16, 2025 9:31 a.m.
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Balaam__'s Challenge: Get …...
I know High Tide is a bit, let's say, "conditional" but I like that it only costs 1 to cast, which allows it to be [marginally] useful to cast counterspells in a pinch. Which I know Extraplanar Lens would too, except on the turn I cast Extraplanar Lens, which would presumably be as early as possible, but that's also often the most critical time to have mana available to counterspell. Does that make sense?
I'm certainly not in love with Ponder and Fabricate - so maybe it makes sense to drop at least a copy or two of those in favor of something like Blue Sun's Zenith? Do you have other draw card/tutor spells that would help me get Eon Hub + Reality Twist + Back to Basics into play?
Perhaps it makes sense to have 1-2 copies of High Tide and 1-3 copies of Extraplanar Lens?
February 14, 2025 1:05 p.m.
Said on
Balaam__'s Challenge: Get …...
Thanks for the advice, psionictemplar! I'm a bit hesitant to add too many non-basic lands because of Back to Basics, but i might switch Academy Ruins for Mystic Sanctuary.
I'm fairly married to keeping High Tide because it not only helps get Eon Hub out, it also combos with Rewind and helps Overload Cyclonic Rift. With Rift, we can eliminate opponent's creatures, which enables us to actually hit opponents with one or two Phyrexian Soulgorgers.
I did consider Snapcaster Mage - any thoughts on that?
February 14, 2025 9:55 a.m.
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Balaam__'s Challenge: Get …...
Thanks so much for the +1, seshiro_of_the_orochi!
February 14, 2025 9:46 a.m.
Said on
You Go Squirrel...
Much thanks for the +1 and folder add, Autobot5309!
February 14, 2025 9:43 a.m.
Said on
Balaam__'s Challenge: Get …...
Thanks so much for the +1, Squee_Spirit_Guide!
February 13, 2025 9:26 p.m.
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Dread Naught...
Regarding fetch lands: there's an old saying "deck thinning is deck winning" which comes from the idea that the fewer lands there in a deck, the more likely you are to draw cards that improve your game-state. This is [probably] not actually true, but they probably don't necessitate adding more lands to compensate for their sacrifice. Personally, my issue is that a fetch+shock land costing 3 life for 1 untapped land is just too steep for most decks. Like, I'm not into giving my opponent a free Lightning Bolt if I can avoid it. That said, I'm quite certain I'm in the minority on that position. There are, however, still many options when it comes to dual lands. I prefer fast, slow, and pathway lands. (Seachrome Coast, Deserted Beach, and Hengegate Pathway Flip, respectively.
I'd be very tempted to run 2-3 copies Enlightened Tutor as it gets you both Torpor Orb and your beatstick creatures. Might as well take advantage of that splash of white!
February 13, 2025 8:14 p.m.
Said on
Balaam__'s Challenge: Get …...
Thanks so much for the +1, and generous compliment NeoLegacy!
February 13, 2025 5:48 p.m.
Said on
Balaam__'s Challenge: Get …...
Thanks so much for the +1, approval, and thoughtful critique, Balaam__. I agree wholeheartedly.
My thoughts were: There's a not a lot of room for card draw and the deck has too many needs to be as narrow as Fabricate is, but there with no narrow enchantment tutors or broad any-card tutors, the deck has to make do with what is available. To some degree, the deck has to rely on the control spells to carry it through until it hits what it needs. Whether Ponder and Fabricate
are the right combination - I have little faith they are - but a bit more faith the numbers (7 total) are in the right ballpark.
Similarly, Fog Bank isn't really what I wanted either. I actually would have preferred just a plain old Fog but no such spell exists for blue that I'm aware of or could find.
It's true that Back to Basics interferes with Academy Ruins, but I don't think that's actually a [major] problem - Back to Basics should make it a lot harder for opponents to remove Eon Hub. And, if some opponents are having too much success, there's always Illusionary Terrain in the sideboard to further flummox their land base.
I think a big part of this deck's problem - I did some playtesting to tune it and judge efficacy, etc - is that it has a lot of parts - decks such as this tend to be finicky and even with a lot of coaxing will sometimes just refuse to cooperate. Given the spell I was working with, I'd say I was successful, but if I were to grade the deck objectively, it's probably a C+.
February 13, 2025 5:47 p.m.
Said on
You Go Squirrel...
Thanks so much for the +1, CommanderNeyo!
February 13, 2025 10:23 a.m.
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Halo, and Welcome!...
Thanks a bunch for the +1, BotaNickill!
February 13, 2025 9:39 a.m.
Disasterpiece — PierreThePlaneswalker — NoviceMagician — JagDogger2525 — xander11 — lagotripha — Yogie — Balaam__ — wallisface — asasinater13 — ilmagicatore — landstalker10 — EveryonesTappedOut — JosefK — colonj5Followers
NoviceMagician — JagDogger2525 — Yogie — Balaam__ — ChaosJester — bootsworthy — Sylvarion — camrn8 — zapyourtumor — FAIRxPOTAMUS — Cloudy2024 — JosefK — nanotime — JDRBurk — wh0recraft — arander88aSpecialties
Modern - Budget, Modern - Multiplayer
MTG Decks
You Go Squirrel
Hidetsugu Shakedown (Ogre tribal!)
Moonwalkers (Ichormoon Superfriends)
Cover Girl
Halo, and Welcome!
Grave Collusion 5.0
Finished Decks | 558 |
Prototype Decks | 486 |
Drafts | 0 |
Points | 2040 |
Avg. deck rating | 10.60 |
T/O Rank | 4 |
Helper Rank | 1 |
Favorite formats | Modern, Casual |
Suppressed formats | Standard, Commander / EDH, Oathbreaker |
Cards suggested / good suggestions | 1257 / 679 |
Cards Added/Fixed | 4 |
Joined | 11 years |
kamarupa says... #1
What a spell, Balaam__! I'm gonna try to work something out right now! Whether I get anywhere... only one way to find out!
February 12, 2025 8:39 p.m.