I've been playing Magic off and on since just before the release of Mirrodin. For a long time, I played casually and infrequently, but I've been much more into the game since 2018 or so. I moved from Legacy to Commander around the release of Commander 2014. I also used to play drafts, but that necessarily involves giving money to Hasbro, and the oldschoolmtg incident has convinced me that that needs to stop. It's proxies only for me from now on.

My playgroup uses power levels based on PlayEDH's system, and I put my decks' levels in the name for easy reference. We usually play mid-power, which is why my published decks say [Mid].

  • [CEDH]: Win at all costs. No restrictions but the ban list.
  • [High]: Basically the same gameplay as CEDH, but the most bank-breaking power cards are banned, making early wins less reliable.
  • [Mid]: Decks are limited in speed and oppression, but interaction is heavy, and precons would lose reliably.
  • [Low]: Precons and equivalent.
  • [Battlecruiser]: The kid-glove league for decks without enough interaction to compete in a pod with precons. The RC would be proud.

Deck Showcases

Yuriko decks

Yuriko is love! Yuriko is life! I have three Yuriko decks sleeved and multiple others saved online. I run Yuriko in everything from finely-tuned semi-CEDH cheese to the jankest jank, and the best thing about Yuriko is that the jank never needs to end. My kitchen table calls out "surprise! Yuriko!" so often that it's genuinely a surprise when the surprise is anything other than Yuriko.

Seasonal decks

Once every season, I make a new deck with a top-down design that has something to do with that season. It might be about the weather, it might be about animal or plant life that's abundant during that season, it might be about a holiday or other event that happens annually during that season, or it might be about anything else that feels like that season to me. These decks are always intended for mid-power games, but they often end up with design restrictions that make them struggle to keep up. Jorn and Kynaios/Tiro are beasts, though.

Success stories

These decks don't fit into any of the other categories, but they've done so well and feel so much like my decks that I think they deserve a showcase.

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MTG Decks

[Mid] Melek

Commander / EDH kremsers


[Mid] Umbris: Shotgun Surgery

Commander / EDH kremsers


[Mid] Queza: Party Draw

Commander / EDH kremsers


[Mid] Nekusar

Commander / EDH kremsers


[Mid] Kangee: Air Force

Commander / EDH kremsers


[Mid] Gallia: Thalysia

Commander / EDH kremsers


Finished Decks 49
Prototype Decks 29
Drafts 0
Playing since Mirrodin
Avg. deck rating 4.67
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Suppressed formats Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, Pauper EDH, Canadian Highlander, Gladiator, Highlander, Duel Commander, Pauper Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Premodern, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Quest Magic, Unknown
Cards suggested / good suggestions 10 / 0
Joined 6 years