So, a little about me. When I was young my parents used to drop me off at a comic book shop across from the YMC in Greeneville TN. The place was called Funny Pages. This was back in the early 90s. The guys would let me read comics if I bagged and boarded them and organized the boxes for them. Magic was new at this time. So, they had no one else to play with but this 8-year-old kid. This is where my love of the game started. Life would happen and mom would pass away when I was 9. My dad would go through an amputation and go to an orthopedic place for a prosthetic. There was a Uhaul that was selling stuff out of garages. Apparently, someone didn't pay, so they were just selling in bulk. We bought 6 10k count boxes worth for $20. My best friend, Kevin, and I had a blast. But then magic happens, players built our deck in trade for some of those cards. I lost a few black Lotuses, power 9, you name it. But I was young and naive. I would learn their value in years to come and start practicing to beat them. And beat them I did. I went on to win Nationals. I came back with winnings and savings and bought the local shop out. A couple of years later Hurricane Katrina flooded the roof and collapsed into the store molding the place up beyond repair. My dad died 2 months later from taking his own life. I moved to FL, got my degree, and restarted time and time again. I regret nothing. I've had a blast. I mostly play commander now. Feel free to hit me up.

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MTG Decks

Florida Boy, Voldaren BathSalts

Commander / EDH* lance4224130


Jadar's Decaying Decadence!

Commander / EDH* lance4224130


Sir Kills Alot

Standard* lance4224130

SCORE: 1 | 408 VIEWS

Vampire w/ Kaldheim

Modern* lance4224130

SCORE: 1 | 445 VIEWS

UBR Controlling Dragons (Test)

Standard lance4224130


Finished Decks 13
Prototype Decks 10
Drafts 0
Playing since Limited Edition Alpha
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Suppressed formats Pre-release, Planechase, Archenemy, Vanguard, Tiny Leaders, MTGO
Joined 11 years