When looking at the top Modern decks, they all have a clear focus, are the best at what they do, and cover multiple areas on the metagame clock.
The chart above depicts the tier one modern metagame (January 2017) and their positions on the clock.
Infect can play tempo through small, evasive creatures backed by counter magic and pump spells, or it can simply combo kill the opponent with two pump spells and one attack phase. If the opponent has removal or counter spells to prevent combos, pump spells can be saved and used for protection as needed. If the opponent is playing a faster deck like Affinity, Infect can immediately end the game with an unblocked attacker and some pump spells.
Jund gains card advantage by outclassing the opponent’s creatures or by removing important cards from the opponents had while outvaluing them with cards like Dark Confidant, Liliana of the Veil, or Tarmogoyf. Discard effects can strip combos, while removal can eliminate problematic threats.
Burn presents fast and aggressive creatures that will win the game quickly if not contained. Burn threats must be killed or they will kill the opponent. If the deck’s creatures are outclassed or removed, a volley of burn can finish off the opponent despite lack of a board position.
Affinity is primarily an aggressive deck that wins by swarming the opponent with low cost creatures. Almost every card (including land) presents a threat that must be dealt with. To prevent hate cards from gaining advantage, discard and lockdown effects are sided in. Disruptive elements can be included to counteract midrange and control cards sided in against it. The need for synergistic cards limits the deck’s multi-archetype capabilities., but the deck retains a small chance to develop combo-like board states. Creatures with special abilities like Arcbound Ravager or Cranial Plating both give the deck combo elements. Arcbound Ravager can provide Inkmoth Nexus with enough +1 counters for an infect kill.
Dredge forgoes conventional mana to utilize its graveyard instead to produce threats as fast and efficiently as possible. Due to Dredge’s ability to recur threats and invalidate card advantage, midrange answers that do not exile creatures act merely as tempo plays.
Tron decks utilize mana ramp to cast massive cost threats. Midrange wrath effects (namely Oblivion Stone and sometimes Pyroclasm) can be used to slow down faster decks.
As there are very few ways to destroy lands in Modern, Tron thus does not have the normal weakness to control that other Combo decks have. However, should the lands be rendered useless by cards such as Blood Moon, Tron becomes an ineffective assortment of overpriced Midrange cards.
Bant Eldrazi attempts to overwhelm the opponent with aggressive midrange creatures. Some acceleration is used to put threats out faster, and most threats have innate disruptive or controlling elements.
Thought-Knot Seer – discard effect
Reality Smasher – protects itself from threats
Eldrazi Displacer – can use it to protect your creatures, to prevent attacking or blocking, reset counters and enchantments
Delver of Secrets
Flip decks attempt to deploy an efficient threat while halting troublesome effects and creatures by countering removal. Unlike most Delver decks, Grixis Delver contains Midrange elements to ensure that aggressive strategies can be contained.