Hello all,

I am merrowMania, aka MerfolkMan. I began my Magic-al journey with a friend's mono-blue merfolk deck, the predecessor/'inspiration' for Them Fishies Will Kill You.

I like to think of myself as a serious Magic player, which, for the most part, is true. That's the Spike in me. I enjoy proving myself through how well I play (regardless of whether I win).

I am also a DCI-certified Rules Adviser. (Edit: the Rules Adviser program was discontinued)

I am also a Melvin, someone who appreciates how all the pieces of Magic fit together to make this great game what it is, both at a card level (like with Primal Command and Firemaw Kavu) and a macroscopic level (like with the rules for Layering). I am the person who reads the competitive rules in his spare time, thereby allowing him to delve as deep into the game as his mind desires.

But Magic is a game to be played with others, particularly friends. I sometimes find myself at odds with them when: I start to make a deck too controlling, I take too long trying to maximize my turns/actions, or I point out how a rule is being ignored or 'correct gameplay' is not enforced. These are some of the things I need to work on and hope to overcome.

If my comments or responses reflect what I have said, I apologize in advance.

You can find me on PucaTrade under the name Merrow (https://pucatrade.com/profiles/show/49547) or browsing the Rules Q&A here on TappedOut.
(Edit: I am now more likely browsing the cEDH list as it is more discussion-based than answer-based.)

Best T/O Rank: 15 <--This is me being a tad too competitive :P

The following are my Magic Personality Results, in order of accuracy (all still represent me, but some are expressed more than others):

I am Blue/Green
I am Blue/Green

I am both rational and instinctive. I value self-knowledge and understanding of the world; my ultimate goal is self-improvement and improvement of the world around me. At best, I am focused and methodical; at worst, I am obsessive and amoral.

I am Red/Blue
I am Red/Blue

I are both rational and emotional. I value creation and discovery, and feel strongly about what I create. At best, I'm innovative and intuitive. At worst, I'm scattered and unpredictable.

I am Black/Green
I am Black/Green

I am both selfish and instinctive. I value growth and community, as long as they favor my own objectives; I enjoy nature, and I particularly enjoy watching parts of nature die. At best, I am resilient and tenacious; at worst, I'm uncontrollable and destructive.

I do not really know where I came across this, but here is the result of the Nodiatis RPG Personality Test:

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venicelloFemme_FataleyeaGObookDevourerGreyBlobMangoPunchskinnersBoxyMindAblazeShadowLandUmbrotheUmbreontempestCurdBrosBrewingCoSpazik008grumbledore EpochalyptikAskani28GidgetimerGlistenerAgentTheGamerAngelOfDivinityRhadamanthusJaysquire1 TheRedMageZombieCatMrHighscoreDERPLINGSUPREMEnate9799Raging_SquiggleFAMOUSWATERMELONcanterlotguardiannobu_the_bardChiefBellVampireArmyMsSysbitNarejEDSleazebaghyperlockeOhthenoisesLilbrudderfoxboy1000ShaperSavantAzamiLadyofScrollsLabManiac_Sigiimproprietysonnet666ArvailtenroseLeinahtanchaosumbreon87reversemermaidrazzlioxLabManiac_CameronLabManiac_DanVoidiatiku3dLabManiac_LukeSuasionBrassmoosejeezusthegigibeastmarsthesoosJimWolfieLeptyspokejerk20buildingadeckAlwaysSleepyDiseased.ClaySaltedmangosPongo_Pygmaeu5CharlesIIITheGalaadkolauAresweMagicalHacker@flUrBigLupuScavenger98ChaosHazardPlayingWithPowerMTGSpleenfaceJamaican_1ScottyKnowsMTGtimmyt1000BentonkCamcat234Ilharg_The_Raze_BoarmonlettyforthevenomArchwizardLabManiac_cobblepottLabManiac_SimonIustitiaRexLerkerMillionLittleEWinterblastMiniVelociraptor


Commander / EDH - Combo, Commander / EDH - Competitive, Commander / EDH - Control, Modern - Merfolk

MTG Decks

The Bones To Build Your Tribal Deck

Casual merrowMania

SCORE: 813 | 130 COMMENTS | 82512 VIEWS | IN 569 FOLDERS

Them Fishies Will Kill You

Casual merrowMania


Finished Decks 184
Prototype Decks 61
Drafts 0
Playing since Gatecrash
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 34.44
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank 365
Favorite formats Commander / EDH, Limited, Pre-release
Cards suggested / good suggestions 111 / 71
Cards Added/Fixed 10
Joined 11 years