MTG List: durp hugz
Creature (17)
- 1x Arbiter of Knollridge
- 1x Braids, Conjurer Adept
- 1x Ghosts of the Innocent
- 1x Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer
- 1x Heartwood Storyteller
- 1x Indentured Djinn
- 1x Jace's Archivist
- 1x Kami of the Crescent Moon
- 1x Liege of the Hollows
- 1x Phelddagrif
- 1x Pulsemage Advocate
- 1x Questing Phelddagrif
- 1x Tempting Wurm
- 1x Veteran Explorer
- 1x Walking Archive
- 1x Wall of Shards
- 1x Wishmonger
Land (33)
- 1x Azorius Chancery
- 1x Bant Panorama
- 8x Forest
- 1x Glacial Fortress
- 1x Graypelt Refuge
- 8x Island
- 8x Plains
- 1x Rainbow Vale
- 1x Seaside Citadel
- 1x Sejiri Refuge
- 1x Selesnya Sanctuary
- 1x Simic Growth Chamber
Enchantment (11)
Instant (14)
- 1x Arcane Denial
- 1x Beacon of Immortality
- 1x Blunt the Assault
- 1x Condemn
- 1x Dawn Charm
- 1x Fog
- 1x Holy Day
- 1x Second Sunrise
- 1x Snakeform
- 1x Truce
- 1x Turn to Frog
- 1x Vision Skeins
- 1x Wheel and Deal
- 1x Words of Wisdom
Sorcery (14)
- 1x Collective Voyage
- 1x Day of Judgment
- 1x Flux
- 1x Hunters' Feast
- 1x Minds Aglow
- 1x Nature's Resurgence
- 1x New Frontiers
- 1x Prosperity
- 1x Skyscribing
- 1x Temporary Truce
- 1x Tempt with Discovery
- 1x Time Reversal
- 1x Weird Harvest
- 1x Wrath of God