I mostly use this to create interesting decks and use the playtest to play without the hassle of shuffling or cleaning up. Very convenient.

My focus is very much on tokens and graveyard manipulation. My strongest deck, "Fungal Growth" has not been defeated yet.

I'm currently developing a pair of blocks. The first is based on the Alara block, where the shards are being contaminated by the residue of mana leaking from the conflux. Esper loses white and gains green, becoming the etherium biotech plane known as Resp. Grixis loses blue and gains white, and the plane becomes the wartorn realm of Grizzeth as angels invade. Jund loses black and gains blue, and the beasts learn to hunt and consume their prey in new ways, the strong of the new plane of Juna dominating and devouring the weak in body and mind. Naya loses red and gains black, as the beasts symbolic of the plane fall and are reborn into the creeping death that forms the new realm of Nara. And Bant loses green and gains red, as the chaotic energy twists the uniting magic of the angels as new life forms born from magic begin to form in the realm of Banz.

The second block I've devised is based off the idea of phyrexia invading Ravnica. Jin Gitaxias creates his own spark and he flees mirrodin, as his palace on the quiksilver sea falls to the mirran forces. However, his false spark collapses in travel, and he is cast into Ravnica, broken and crushed. Found and revived by the golgari, sold as a research subject to the Simic, his passion for mutation and perfection quickly turns the scientists to his side, as he unites the Golgari, Simic, and remains of the Dimir in a war against Ravnica.


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MTG Decks

Fungal Growth EDH

Commander / EDH metrion77


Landscape Weavers

Legacy* metrion77

SCORE: 1 | 365 VIEWS


Legacy metrion77



Commander / EDH metrion77


Would appreciate a test run

Modern metrion77


Finished Decks 34
Prototype Decks 7
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 2 / 2
Joined 11 years