Hi. So I recently got into magic some time around March 2011. I spend a LOT of time on this game and I consider myself pretty good at deckbuilding and I'm working on making the right decisions during matches. I don't get a lot of opportunity to play the decks I make, so sometimes there's player error. If you'd like to help me with this by playing OCTGN, an online simulator, just give me a shout. I'm also pretty good with the rules, but still learning a little every day or so. I don't know a lot about anything but Standard, but I know a LOT about Standard, so I can help you if you need anything.

I am a Spike player. If I give you help it is with the express goal to make it win more of the time. Unless I see an occasional theme or Timmy deck, I will recommend the most powerful cards, not necessarily the funnest. That's just how I play. Because of this I denote my decks using the following tags:

[Nostalgia]: Self explanatory. They represent a certain part of my past deckbuilding that I like to keep the decklists around from. See that deck for why. Will never be deleted.

[Tournament]: A tournament deck that is constantly changing for the meta.

[Melvin]: A deck that focuses on interesting card interactions. Because this tag can be used in conjunction with others, it is listed before the deck name and does not change the deck placement.

[Other]: None of the above. See the deck for more info. Not currently shown by the Profile Decks.

Also, out of curiosity, am I the youngest regular user on here? I'm 17 and everyone I've played with from this site so far has been at least 20.

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MTG Decks

MU Human Tempo

Standard* mozerdozer


brouwcube - 2012-05-22

Unknown mozerdozer

SCORE: 1 | 244 VIEWS


Modern* mozerdozer



Legacy* mozerdozer


Finished Decks 24
Prototype Decks 8
Drafts 23
Cube Drafts 1
Avg. deck rating 3.33
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 14 years
MTGO Username Spoofedozer