My name is Greg, and ive been playing magic on and off since 6th edition. I do alot of trading to get cards i want...since i dont have a local shop to go to for cards. So sometimes i trade cards that have higher value for lesser value cards...which is fine for me as long as i get the cards im after.
Currently Updating Binder
I have alot of basic RtR, Gatecrash, and Dragon's maze cards, And i have a broad collection ranging from now back to 6th edition.
So here's hoping ive got something worth trading. I have lots more, and will be adding them later on, for now the list below is what ive added thus far.
Current Cards that im after :
People that i have traded with that i can vouch for :
People that i have traded with that i cant give positive feed back on.
Cdawg44 - Very little communication, and not really sure if ill be getting my end of the trade or not (even tho i had mailed mine out to him already.)