I have been playing MTG on and off since 1998, starting out with the Urza block. At first I started out with casual green and white decks, as they are the colors from which I learned the game. After a while I developed my own style and branched out to love Black and every nefarious and underhanded tactic that came with the color. My first stint with the game lasted until the Kamigawa block in 2005, I do remember buying a little bit of Coldsnap, but by that time, my ambition and love for the game had waned.

It was not until I started working for a card store around the latter half of last year, that I expressed a desire to get back into the game, with my first set back upon return being Return to Ravnica. Suffice to say I missed one hell of a lot of the game, from the introduction of Planeswalkers, to the lore around the Five Alaran shards (one of which I have come to love, Grixis), and so much more.

In the short 12 months since my return, I have learned so much more about the game and have built a couple of monumental decks. I specialize in the Commander format, focusing on the Australian Duel Commander version of the game more than the multiplayer format. I dabbled with Modern for a little while, but after I tried to do to much with a single deck, I decided to devote my time and money to other MTG related endeavors. I would love to play in Legacy events and maybe even a Vintage event or two. But for now, I think Commander is my home as far at TCG format's are concerned.

"The mind is it's own place And in itself, can make a Hell of Heaven And a Heaven of Hell. Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven" -Satan - John Milton's "Paradise Lost"

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MTG Decks

Ramosian Perfection

Commander / EDH* necropedal



Legacy necropedal


Thus Cometh the Colossi

Commander / EDH* necropedal


Mirko's Malice

Commander / EDH* necropedal


Vial Schemes

Commander / EDH* necropedal


Thalia's Cause

Commander / EDH* necropedal


Finished Decks 30
Prototype Decks 23
Drafts 0
Playing since Urza's Legacy
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 4.40
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Legacy, Commander / EDH, Planechase, Casual
Venues Next Level Games: Dandenong
Joined 11 years
MTGO Username necropedal